Business Sector & Establishment Size by Zip Code | Last Updated 15 Feb 2019

2010 census data on the number of establishments per zip code grouped by sector and payrolled employees/establishment size. To create a pointmap of this dataset you must filter for "Meaning of 2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)" AND "Number of Employees".The filter has been loaded with the necessary values. Dot size = number of establishments. To see changes in dot saize that reflect selected values, the map must be saved. Otherwise it defaults to Construction/1-4 employees.

Tags: payroll, economy, business, trend, employment, zip code

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Zip Codezip_codetext
2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)_2007_north_american_industry_classification_system_naicsnumber
Meaning of 2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)meaning_of_2007_north_american_industry_classification_system_naicstext
Number of Employeesnumber_of_employeestext
Employment size Codeemployment_size_codetext
Number of establishmentsnumber_of_establishmentsnumber
POINT_X (city)point_x_citytext
POINT_X (state)point_x_statetext