Transportation Graffiti | Last Updated 6 Sep 2024

Graffiti abated with location, date of abatement and square footage abated.Data is from October 2015 to present. Days to abatement information is calculated based on receipt during normal workday. See attachment for how "normal workday" information is calculated. Calculated workday request was received by the city staff. Normal workday is generally defined as M-Th excluding holidays. Go to to report graffiti or find the link to download an app for your mobile device that you can use to report graffiti.

Tags: transportation, graffiti, abate, blight

This dataset has the following 20 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
IDidtextCitySourced unique identifier.
Date Reporteddate_reportedcalendar_dateDate that graffiti record was generated.
Calculated Received Datecalculated_received_datecalendar_dateCalculated workday request was received by the city staff. Normal workday is generally defined as M-Th excluding holidays.
Date Abateddate_abatedcalendar_dateDate that graffiti was abated.
Nearest Addressnearest_addresstextRecorded address of graffiti.
Square Feet Abatedsq_foot_abatednumberSquare feet abated.
Days to Abatementdays_to_abatementnumberCount of days between calculated received date and date abated based on next normal workday. Normal workday is generally defined as M-Th excluding holidays.
Reporting Sourcereporting_sourcetextThe mode used to report graffiti.
Year Reportedyear_reportedtextYear the graffiti record was generated.
Month Reportedmonth_reportedtextMonth the graffiti record was generated.
Day Reportedday_reportedtextDay of the month the graffiti record was generated.
Calculated Received Yearcalculated_received_yeartextThe year the calculated workday request was received by the city staff.
Calculated Received Monthcalculated_received_monthtextThe month the calculated workday request was received by the city staff.
Calculated Received Daycalculated_received_daytextThe day of the month the calculated workday request was received by the city staff.
Year Abatedyear_abatedtextYear the graffiti was abated
Month Abatedmonth_abatedtextMonth the graffiti was abated
Day Abatedday_abatedtextDay of the month the graffiti was abated
LocationlocationpointCombined Lat/Lon location
LatitudelatnumberLatitudinal location of graffiti.
LongitudelonnumberLongitudinal location of graffiti.