Police Dispatch Events 2021-present

citydata.mesaaz.gov | Last Updated 15 May 2024

Public view of calls for service dispatched to Mesa Police Patrol Officers through Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system beginning 1/1/2021-present day. See also <b><a href="https://data.mesaaz.gov/Police/Police-Computer-Aided-Dispatch-CAD-Events-2017-202/ex94-c5ad">Police CAD Events 2017-2020</b></a>. The Location and Geolocation values are approximated and do not represent actual call locations. Dispatched call Location is modified by rounding street number to the 100 block. Geolocation is a modified point on a street segment centerline based on the rounded 100 block street number. This public version redacts Location and Geolocation where the Initial Call Type or Final Call Type is considered sensitive: Sexual Assault, Homicide, Molesting, Dead Body, Suicide, Completed Suicide, Behavioral Health, Behavioral Health Transfer/Transport. Note that these are dispatched calls for service and may not necessarily correspond to the data located in <b><a href="https://data.mesaaz.gov/Police/Police-Incidents/39rt-2rfj">Police Incidents</b></a> dataset. Crimes reported in this data set have not been adjudicated in a court of law for final determination.

Tags: cad, 911, call, pd, incident, response time

This dataset has the following 26 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Event Numberevent_numbertextUnique identifier, automatically assigned to the call by CAD system.
Received Date Timereceived_date_timecalendar_dateThe data and time the call was received
Dispatch Date Timedispatch_date_timecalendar_dateThe date and time the call was dispatched
Call Handling Time Secondscall_handling_time_secondsnumberThe difference between the received time and the dispatch time (Dispatch – Received)
At Scene Date Timeat_scene_date_timecalendar_dateThe date and time a resource arrived to location
Response Time Secondsresponse_time_secondsnumberThe difference between dispatch and at Scene (at scene dt – dispatch dt)
Clear Date Timeclear_date_timecalendar_dateThis is the date and time that the call was cleared via CAD
On Scene Time Secondson_scene_time_secondsnumberThe difference between clear dt and at scene dt (clear dt – at scene dt)
Initial Priorityinitial_prioritynumberPriority of the call assigned by the 911 operator
Dispatch Prioritydispatch_prioritynumberPriority the call was dispatched at (this can be upgraded or downgraded)
Arrive Priorityarrive_prioritynumberThe priority of the call when the resource arrives at scene (this can be upgraded or downgraded.
Final Priorityfinal_prioritynumberThe final call priority when the call is cleared via CAD, this can be upgraded or downgraded depending upon the situation
Initial Case Typeinitial_case_typetextThis is the radio code assigned
Initial Case Type Descriptioninitial_case_type_descriptiontextThis is a description of the radio code
Final Case Typefinal_case_typetextThis is the final radio code assigned to the call (this may change depending upon the situation)
Final Case Type Descriptionfinal_case_type_descriptiontextDescription of the final radio code
Call Sourcecall_sourcetextSource of the call (Telephone, On-View, 911, Walk-in, ASAP)
MunicipalitymunicipalitytextThe city where the incident occurred
DistrictdistricttextThis field refers to the assigned patrol district
ESZesznumberThis refers to the Emergency Services Zone and where the Police Beat numbers are stored
Gridgridtextreferring to a map grid that is laid out into ¼ mile square segments throughout the city
Call Handling Time Minutescall_handling_time_minutesnumberMinutes from call received to dispatch in decimal format (ex 4.50 minutes = 4 minutes and 30 seconds)
Response Time Minutesresponse_time_minutesnumberMinutes from call dispatch to first officer on scene in decimal format (ex 4.50 minutes = 4 minutes and 30 seconds)
On-Scene Time Minuteson_scene_time_minutesnumberMinutes from first officer on scene to officer of record leaving in decimal format (ex 4.50 minutes = 4 minutes and 30 seconds)
LocationlocationtextAddress of the incident rounded to 100 block
GeolocationgeolocationpointPoint on the street centerline nearest to the rounded 100 block location