Unsheltered Point in Time (PIT) Count Phoenix Metro Area

citydata.mesaaz.gov | Last Updated 1 May 2023

Aggregated and summarized information collected from the Point in Time count of the number of persons experiencing homelessness in the Phoenix-Mesa metro area as of the survey date. Detailed results for Mesa Only at https://data.mesaaz.gov/Community-Services/Unsheltered-Point-In-Time-PIT-Count-Details-Mesa-O/efjd-c5mi Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved the Maricopa Regional Continuum of Care to opt out of the unsheltered Point In Time (PIT) Homeless Count for 2021. Every January, volunteers and outreach teams from local communities collaborate to survey and count the number of homeless. persons in their respective locations. With the information provided by the PIT Count, the Maricopa Regional Continuum of Care and local communities can determine how best to address homelessness. For more information see https://www.azmag.gov/Programs/Homelessness/Point-In-Time-Homeless-Count. NOTE: The HUD definition of chronic homelessness is: (1) a person who lives in a place not meant for human habitation, Safe Haven, or Emergency Shelter, (2) has a disability, and (3) has been homeless continuously for one year OR four or more times homeless in the last three years, where the combined length of time homeless is at least 12 months.

Tags: homeless, unsheltered, veteran

This dataset has the following 17 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
RowIDrowidnumberUnique row identifier
Survey Methodsurvey_methodtextHow the information was collected
Survey Typesurvey_typetextHow the information was entered (for year 2020 only)
Reporting Datereporting_datecalendar_dateDate of survey
Reporting Yearreporting_yeartextYear of survey
CitycitytextMuncipality where individual was at the time of the survey
AgeagetextAge reported of person surveyed
Age Groupage_grouptextGrouping of age reported for person surveyed. (Children 0-17; Youth 18-24; Adult 25+)
GendergendertextGender reported for person surveyed
RaceracetextRace of inidividual surveyed
EthnicityethnicitytextWhether the individual reported to be of hispanic/latino or not
Veteran Statusveteran_statustextIndividual reported whether they are a Military Veteran
ChronicchroniccheckboxWhether the person surveyed met the defintion of chronic homelessness. See dataset description for definition
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude where inidividual was at the time survey
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude where inidividual was at the time survey
GeolocationgeolocationpointGeolocation where inidividual was at the time survey