Tree Inventory | Last Updated 9 Oct 2024

Information about trees owned and maintained by the City of Mesa and includes trees maintained by Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities (PRCF), Transportation and Transit departments. This dataset also includes other vegetation in city owned parks, open basins, and rights of way including cacti, bushes, etc. City owned/maintained trees are managed by 3rd parties such as West Coast Arborists (WCA). See also <b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mesa Trees Are Cool</a></b>.

Tags: prcf, tree, vegetation, transportation

This dataset has the following 32 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
RowIDrowidnumberUnique row identifier
FACILITYIDfacilityidtextA computer-generated unique identifier used for Cityworks, the City's work management system.
LANDKEYlandkeytextA unique ID created by the City of Mesa for each area of landscape that is maintained by the City of Mesa.
LOCDESClocdesctextIdentifies the general location of the identified vegetation using roadway names and direction as a point of reference.
LOCATIONlocationtextIdentifies the vegetation location by roadway and roadway boundaries (i.e., "roadway ~ N/E boundary street - S/W boundary street").
VEG CATEGORYveg_categorytextIdentifies the category of the vegetation (i.e., Accent, Amenity, Cactus, Groundcover, Shrub, Tree).
COMMON NAMEcommon_nametextThe common name of the identified vegetation.
BOTANICAL NAMEbotanical_nametextThe name given to the tree, which is identified as "genus - species."
TREE DBHtree_dbhtextThe "diameter at breast height" (DBH) measurement of the tree at approximately 54 inches from above ground level and is provided in units of inches.
VEG HEIGHTveg_heighttextThe measured height of the identified vegetation and is provided in 15' increments (i.e., 1' to 15', 15' to 30', '31' to 45', 46' to 60', 60'+).
ISACTIVEisactivenumberIdentifies the active validity of the vegetation location (i.e., No or Yes).
COMMENTcommenttextProvides additional information regarding the identified vegetation, if applicable.
LEGACYIDlegacyidtextUnique ID created by the City of Mesa for each vegetation site in the landscape areas maintained by the City of Mesa.
OWNERownertextIdentifies the owner of the identified vegetation (i.e., PRCF, Trans, Transit, Private, Unknown).
SYMBOL_TYPEsymbol_typetextIndicates the attribute symbol used to identify the vegetation on the map based on owner and vegetation category.
ACTIONactiontextIndicates if any action was performed on the identified vegetation (i.e., Construction, None, Remove, Repair, Replace).
ACTION_DATEaction_datecalendar_dateIndicates the date of the action performed on the identified vegetation, if applicable.
CREATED BYcreated_bytextComputer-generated unique ID that identifies the person who added the attribute data
CREATED DATEcreated_datecalendar_dateIndicates the date that the identified vegetation was added into the source system.
CREATED YEARcreated_yeartextYear associated with created date
CREATED MONTHcreated_monthtextMonth name associated with created date
MODIFIED BYmodified_bytextComputer-generated unique ID that identifies the person who edited or modified the attribute data
MODIFIED DATEmodified_datecalendar_dateIndicates the date that the identified vegetation was either edited or modified in the source system.
INVENTORYIDinventoryidtextUnique Tree ID assigned by source system
COM NAMEcom_nametext
STREETstreettextFrontage address street name
EST VALUEest_valuetextEstimated replacement value of tree
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude of tree
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude of tree
Geolocation 2geolocation_2pointGeocoded location of tree