Sustainability - Public Outreach & Engagement (PUBLIC VIEW) | Last Updated 25 May 2023

This view redacts sensitive field "Status Notes". Number of customer contacts via outreach materials, seminars, events and websites.

Tags: conservation, green, living, xeriscape

This dataset has the following 13 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Sustainability Outreach IDsustainability_outreach_idtextAuto number record ID for associated Access database table
Fiscal Yearfiscal_yeartextFiscal Year that data is collected
Fiscal Year Monthfiscal_year_monthtextMonth that data is collected for
Calendar Datecalendar_datecalendar_dateCalendar date used for report generation
Calendar Yearcalendar_yeartextCalendar year used for report generation
Core Titlecore_titletextCore Business Process
Phonephonenumber# of Customer Callers or Called in current month
Mailmailnumber# of Customers Contacted by Mail in current month
Emailemailnumber# of Email Alerts in current month
OtherothernumberCustomers attending Sustainability Workshops and Events in current month
Rebatesrebatesnumber# of G2X/Trees are Cool Rebate Applications in current month
Zoner Dripzoner_dripnumber# of Mesa Public Schools students attending Zoner and Drip performances in current month
Total Outreachtotal_outreachnumberTotal number of contacts through all outreach and engagement efforts.