CorStat - Library Patronage & Assistance V2 | Last Updated 28 Jun 2019

Questions asked by library patrons and responded to by library staff. This assistance may be requested in person or remotely and from a variety of public desks. Data is provided by a monthly administration report created by the Library and Recreation Services management staff.<br> <b><font color="blue">Update Frequency:</font></b> Monthly<br> <b><font color="blue">Data Disclaimer:</font></b> The City Of Corona (“Corona”) provides data available on this website as a service to the public. The data provided by Corona is based on historical data, information directly provided by Corona, information directly provided by Corona contractors and in some cases, information acquired during physical inspections. Corona does not guarantee the accuracy of this data and assumes no liability for any errors. The data shall be used for the sole purpose of providing the public with information regarding this program and not for any commercial, legal or other use. Corona assumes no liability for any decisions made or action taken or not taken by anyone using data provided from this website. Corona reserves the right to alter, amend or terminate at any time the display of this data.

Tags: library, patrons, assistance, questions, reference

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Age Groupage_grouptext
Type of Questiontype_of_questiontext