APD Reported Crimes by Neighborhood

data.albanyny.gov | Last Updated 7 Oct 2019

Dataset highlighting crimes reported to the Albany Police Department for the past year to date geocoded by Neighborhood. It is the same data as Patrol Zone. For purposes of crime statistics, the FBI Uniform Crime Report Hierarchy Rule requires when more than one offense occurs in an incident the highest priority crime is selected as the primary offense.

This dataset has the following 18 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Agency Case Numberagency_case_notext
Report Datereport_datecalendar_date
Time of Crimetime_of_crimenumber
Occur Begin Dayoccur_begin_daytext
Occur Begin Dateoccur_begin_datecalendar_date
Occur Begin Timeoccur_begin_timetext
Occur End Dayoccur_end_daytext
Occur End Dateoccur_end_datecalendar_date
Occur End Timeoccur_end_timetext
Crime Classcrime_classtext
Incident Typeincident_typetext
Long IDlong_idtext
Crime Attemptcrime_attempttext
Class Descriptionclass_descriptiontext
Last 30 Dayslast_30_dayscheckbox
Neighborhood Associationneighborhood_associationtext
Neighborhood XYneighborhood_xypoint