Vital Signs: Housing Production – Bay Area (2022) | Last Updated 13 Jun 2023

VITAL SIGNS INDICATOR Housing Production (LU4) FULL MEASURE NAME Produced housing units by unit type LAST UPDATED February 2023 DESCRIPTION Housing production is measured in terms of the number of units that local jurisdictions produces throughout a given year. The annual production count captures housing units added by new construction and annexations, subtracts demolitions and destruction from natural disasters, and adjusts for units lost or gained by conversions. DATA SOURCE California Department of Finance, Form E-8 - 1990-2010 California Department of Finance, Form E-5 - 2011-2022 U.S. Census Bureau Population and Housing Unit Estimates - 2000-2021 CONTACT INFORMATION METHODOLOGY NOTES (across all datasets for this indicator) Single-family housing units include single detached units and single attached units. Multi-family housing includes two to four units and five plus or apartment units. Housing production data for the region, counties, and cities for each year is the difference of annual housing unit estimates from the California Department of Finance. Housing production data for metropolitan areas for each year is the difference of annual housing unit estimates from the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program. CA Department of Finance data uses an annual cycle between January 1 and December 31, whereas U.S. Census Bureau data uses an annual cycle from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.

Tags: vital signs, vital signs 2.0, draft

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