CommunityVulnerability_BCDC_2020 | Last Updated 21 Oct 2021

The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Adapting to Rising Tides Program developed a dataset to better understand community vulnerability to current and future flooding due to sea level rise and storm surges. This data has been used in the Adapting To Rising Tides Bay Area Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Assessment project as well as helping inform the implementation of the BCDC Environmental Justice and Social Equity Bay Plan amendment. Data and resources can be accessed at For information about data development and access please review the Community Vulnerability User Guide and BCDC’s Github Repository. For additional descriptions of GIS methods used in ART Bay Area, please see the ART Bay Area Report Appendix: GIS Data and Methods. For more information, please contact community vulnerability dataset contains four categories of information:1. Social Vulnerability Indicators: Certain socioeconomic characteristics may reduce ability to prepare for, respond to, or recover from a hazard event. Census block groups with high concentrations (relative to the nine county Bay Area) of these characteristics are flagged as socially vulnerable, with each block group assigned a rank of highest, high, moderate, and low. Data is currently from American Community Survey (ACS) 2018 5-year estimates but is anticipated to be updated as new ACS 5-year estimates become available.2. Contamination Vulnerability Indicators: The presence of contaminated lands and water raises health and environmental justice concerns, which worsen with flooding and sea level rise. A rank of highest, high, moderate, and lower for the severity of contamination in each block group was calculated using data compiled by CalEPA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) for use in CalEnviroScreen 3.0.3. Residential Exposure to Sea Level Rise: Calculated by joining Metropolitan Transportation Commission 2010 residential parcel data with 2017 ART Bay Area Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Analysis data, FEMA 100 and 500 year flood zone data, and San Francisco 100-year precipitation data to generate the number of residential units exposed at each water level summed by block group. This methodology assumes that once a parcel is exposed to any amount of flooding, the entire number of residential units within that parcel are considered impacted.4. Complementary Community Vulnerability Screening Tools: Many screening approaches exist to characterize disadvantaged or vulnerable communities. Often in the Bay Area, different designations of disadvantaged/vulnerable communities are located in the same area. It is recommended to use the ART approach in combination with other complementary tools and designations. The following are included in this shapefile as fields for cross-referencing: CalEnviroScreen 3.0 total score, Metropolitan Transportation Commission Community of Concern designation, UC Berkeley Displacement and Gentrification Typologies.

This dataset has the following 227 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Count social vulnerability indicators in 70th percentilesocvuln70number
Count social vulnerability indicators in 90th percentilesocvuln90number
List social vulnerability indicators in 70th percentileind_70pcttext
List social vulnerability indicators in 90th percentileind_90pcttext
Social vulnerability ranksocvulnranktext
Estimated total populationestimate_totpopnumber
Estimated total householdsestimate_tothhnumber
Estimated average household sizeestimate_avehhsizenumber
Estimated renter occupied householdsestimate_renternumber
Estimated population under 5estimate_under5number
Estimated households without a vehicleestimate_novehnumber
Estimated households with people with disabilityestimate_disabhhnumber
Estimated single parent familiesestimate_sglparnumber
Estimated People of Colorestimate_pocnumber
Estimated over 65 who live alone householdsestimate_65alonenumber
Estimated population 25 and over without a high school degreeestimate_nohsnumber
Estimated owner occupied housing cost burdenedestimate_mortgagehcbnumber
Estimated limited English speaking householdsestimate_lep_hhnumber
Estimated population under 200 pct poverty levelestimate_b200pvnumber
Estimated renter occupied housing cost burdened householdsestimate_renthcbnumber
Estimated population not US citizensestimate_noctznumber
Estimated under 50 pct median AMI householdsestimate_50medianaminumber
Margin of error total populationmoe_totpopnumber
Margin of error total householdsmoe_tothhnumber
Margin of error average household sizemoe_avehhsizenumber
Margin of error renter occupied householdsmoe_renternumber
Margin of error population under 5moe_under5number
Margin of error households without a vehiclemoe_novehnumber
Margin of error households with people with disabilitymoe_disabhhnumber
Margin of error single parent familiesmoe_sglparnumber
Margin of error People of Colormoe_pocnumber
Margin of error over 65 who live alone householdsmoe_65alonenumber
Margin of error population 25 and over without a high school degreemoe_nohsnumber
Margin of error owner occupied housing cost burdenedmoe_mortgagehcbnumber
Margin of error limited English speaking householdsmoe_lep_hhnumber
Margin of error population under 200 pct poverty levelmoe_b200pvnumber
Margin of error renter occupied housing cost burdened householdsmoe_renthcbnumber
Margin of error not US citizenmoe_noctznumber
Margin of error under 50 pct median AMI householdsmoe_50medianaminumber
Renter occupied households percentagepct_renternumber
Population under 5 percentagepct_under5number
Households without a vehicle percentagepct_novehnumber
Households with people with disability percentagepct_disabhhnumber
Single parent families percentagepct_sglparnumber
People of Color percentagepct_pocnumber
Over 65 who live alone households percentagepct_65alonenumber
Population 25 and over without a high school degree percentagepct_nohsnumber
Owner occupied housing cost burdened percentagepct_mortgagehcbnumber
Limited English speaking households percentagepct_lep_hhnumber
Population under 200 pct poverty level percentagepct_b200pvnumber
Renter occupied housing cost burdened households percentagepct_renthcbnumber
Population not US citizens percentagepct_noctznumber
Under 50 pct median AMI households percentagepct_50medianaminumber
Margin of error renter occupied household percentagepct_moe_renternumber
Margin of error population under 5 percentagepct_moe_under5number
Margin of error households without a vehicle percentagepct_moe_novehnumber
Margin of error households with people with disability percentagepct_moe_disabhhnumber
Margin of error single parent families percentagepct_moe_sglparnumber
Margin of error people of Color percentagepct_moe_pocnumber
Margin of error over 65 who live alone households percentagepct_moe_65alonenumber
Margin of error population 25 and over without a high school degree percentagepct_moe_nohsnumber
Margin of error owner occupied housing cost burdened percentagepct_moe_mortgagehcbnumber
Margin of error limited English speaking households percentagepct_moe_lep_hhnumber
Margin of error population under 200 pct poverty level percentagepct_moe_b200pvnumber
Margin of error renter occupied housing cost burdened households percentagepct_moe_renthcbnumber
Margin of error population not US citizens percentagepct_moe_noctznumber
Margin of error under 50 pct median AMI households percentagepct_moe_50medianaminumber
Renter occupied households percentage in 70th percentileflag70_renternumber
Population under 5 percentage in 70th percentileflag70_under5number
Households without a vehicle percentage in 70th percentileflag70_novehnumber
Households with people with disability percentage in 70th percentileflag70_disabhhnumber
Single parent families percentage in 70th percentileflag70_sglparnumber
People of Color percentage in 70th percentileflag70_pocnumber
Over 65 who live alone households percentage in the 70th percentileflag70_65alonenumber
Population 25 and over without a high school degree percentage in the 70th percentileflag70_nohsnumber
Limited English speaking households percentage in 70th percentileflag70_lep_hhnumber
Population not US citizens percentage in 70th percentileflag70_noctznumber
Housing cost burdened percentage in the 70th percentileflag70_hcbnumber
Very low income households percentage in the 70th percentileflag70_vlowincnumber
Renter occupied households percentage in 90th percentileflag90_renternumber
Population under 5 percentage in 90th percentileflag90_under5number
Households without a vehicle percentage in 90th percentileflag90_novehnumber
Households with people with disability percentage in 90th percentileflag90_disabhhnumber
Single parent families percentage in 90th percentileflag90_sglparnumber
People of Color percentage in 90th percentileflag90_pocnumber
Over 65 who live alone households percentage in the 90th percentileflag90_65alonenumber
Population 25 and over without a high school degree percentage in the 70th percentile_2flag90_nohsnumber
Limited English speaking households percentage in 90th percentileflag90_lep_hhnumber
Population not US citizens percentage in 90th percentileflag90_noctznumber
Housing cost burdened percentage in the 90th percentileflag90_hcbnumber
Very low income households percentage in the 90th percentileflag90_vlowincnumber
Estimated population foreign bornestimate_forbrnnumber
Estimate Speak English less than very well and speak Spanishestimate_lep_spanishnumber
Estimate Speak English less than very well and speak Chineseestimate_lep_chinesenumber
Estimate Speak English less than very well and speak Vietnameseestimate_lep_vietnmsnumber
Estimate Speak English less than very well and speak Tagalogestimate_lep_tagalognumber
Margin of error population foreign born percentagemoe_forbrnnumber
Margin of error Speak English less than very well and speak Spanishmoe_lep_spanishnumber
Margin of error Speak English less than very well and speak Chinesemoe_lep_chinesenumber
Margin of error Speak English less than very well and speak Vietnamesemoe_lep_vietnmsnumber
Margin of error Speak English less than very well and speak Tagalogmoe_lep_tagalognumber
Population foreign born percentagepct_forbrnnumber
Speak English less than very well and speak Spanish percentagepct_lep_spanishnumber
Speak English less than very well and speak Chinese percentagepct_lep_chinesenumber
Speak English less than very well and speak Vietnamese percentagepct_lep_vietnmsnumber
Speak English less than very well and speak Tagalog percentagepct_lep_tagalognumber
Margin of error population foreign born percentage_2pct_moe_forbrnnumber
Margin of error Speak English less than very well and speak Spanish percentagepct_moe_lep_spanishnumber
Margin of error Speak English less than very well and speak Chinese percentagepct_moe_lep_chinesenumber
Margin of error Speak English less than very well and speak Vietnamese percentagepct_moe_lep_vietnmsnumber
Margin of error Speak English less than very well and speak Tagalog percentagepct_moe_lep_tagalognumber
Estimate Hispanic or LatinXestimate_latinonumber
Estimate Black of African Americanestimate_blacknumber
Estimate American Indian and Alaska Nativeestimate_amindnnumber
Estimate Asianestimate_asiannumber
Estimate Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanderestimate_islandnumber
Estimate other raceestimate_othracnumber
Estimate two or more racesestimate_tworacnumber
Estimate population under 10estimate_under10number
Estimate population under 18estimate_under18number
Margin of error Hispanic or LatinXmoe_latinonumber
Margin of error Black of African Americanmoe_blacknumber
Margin of error American Indian and Alaska Nativemoe_amindnnumber
Margin of error Asianmoe_asiannumber
Margin of error Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islandermoe_islandnumber
Margin of error other racemoe_othracnumber
Margin of error two or more racesmoe_tworacnumber
Margin of error population under 10moe_under10number
Margin of error population under 18moe_under18number
Percent Hispanic or LatinXpct_latinonumber
Percent Black of African Americanpct_blacknumber
Percent American Indian and Alaska Nativepct_amindnnumber
Percent Asianpct_asiannumber
Percent Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanderpct_islandnumber
Percent other racepct_othracnumber
Percent two or more racespct_tworacnumber
Percent population under 10pct_under10number
Percent population under 18pct_under18number
Margin of error Hispanic or LatinX percentagepct_moe_latinonumber
Margin of error Black of African American percentagepct_moe_blacknumber
Margin of error American Indian and Alaska Native percentagepct_moe_amindnnumber
Margin of error Asian percentagepct_moe_asiannumber
Margin of error Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander percentagepct_moe_islandnumber
Margin of error other race percentagepct_moe_othracnumber
Margin of error two or more races percentagepct_moe_tworacnumber
Margin of error population under 10 percentagepct_moe_under10number
Margin of error population under 18 percentagepct_moe_under18number
MTC Community of Concern 2018mtc_coc_2018text
UC Berkeley Displacement Typology 2017displctypetext
CalEnviroScreen3 total percentileces3_pctlnumber
Hazardous cleanup activities burden percentileclean_pctlnumber
Groundwater threats burden percentilegw_pctlnumber
Hazardous waste facilities burden percentilehaz_pctnumber
Impaired water bodies burden percentileiwb_pctlnumber
Solid waste facilities burden percentilesolid_pctlnumber
Priority Development Area namepda_nametext
Priority Development Area IDpda_idtext
Count contamination indicators in 70th percentilecontam70number
Count contamination indicators in 90th percentilecontam90number
Contamination vulnerability rankcontamvulnranktext
List contamination indicators in the 70th percentilecontam_ind_70pcttext
List contamination indicators in the 90th percentilecontam_ind_90pcttext
Centroid longitudecentroid_lngnumber
Centroid latitudecentroid_latnumber
2010 residential units exposed 12 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_12number
2040 residential units exposed 12 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_12number
2010 job spaces exposed 12 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_12number
2040 job spaces exposed 12 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_12number
2010 residential units exposed 24 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_24number
2040 residential units exposed 24 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_24number
2010 job spaces exposed 24 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_24number
2040 job spaces exposed 24 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_24number
2010 residential units exposed 36 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_36number
2040 residential units exposed 36 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_36number
2010 job spaces exposed 36 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_36number
2040 job spaces exposed 36 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_36number
2010 residential units exposed 48 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_48number
2040 residential units exposed 48 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_48number
2010 job spaces exposed 48 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_48number
2040 job spaces exposed 48 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_48number
2010 residential units exposed 52 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_52number
2040 residential units exposed 52 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_52number
2010 job spaces exposed 52 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_52number
2040 job spaces exposed 52 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_52number
2010 residential units exposed 66 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_66number
2040 residential units exposed 66 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_66number
2010 job spaces exposed 66 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_66number
2040 job spaces exposed 66 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_66number
2010 residential units exposed 77 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_77number
2040 residential units exposed 77 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_77number
2010 job spaces exposed 77 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_77number
2040 job spaces exposed 77 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_77number
2010 residential units exposed 84 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_84number
2040 residential units exposed 84 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_84number
2010 job spaces exposed 84 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_84number
2040 job spaces exposed 84 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_84number
2010 residential units exposed 96 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_96number
2040 residential units exposed 96 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_96number
2010 job spaces exposed 96 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_96number
2040 job spaces exposed 96 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_96number
2010 residential units exposed 108 in TWLsum_res_units_2010_exp_108number
2040 residential units exposed 108 in TWLsum_res_units_2040_exp_108number
2010 job spaces exposed 108 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2010_exp_108number
2040 job spaces exposed 108 in TWLsum_job_spaces_2040_exp_108number
2010 residential units exposed FEMA 100sum_res_units_2010_exp_fema100number
2040 residential units exposed FEMA 100sum_res_units_2040_exp_fema100number
2010 job spaces exposed FEMA 100sum_job_spaces_2010_exp_fema100number
2040 job spaces exposed FEMA 100sum_job_spaces_2040_exp_fema100number
2010 residential units exposed FEMA 500sum_res_units_2010_exp_fema500number
2040 residential units exposed FEMA 500sum_res_units_2040_exp_fema500number
2010 job spaces exposed FEMA 500sum_job_spaces_2010_exp_fema500number
2040 job spaces exposed FEMA 500sum_job_spaces_2040_exp_fema500number
2010 residential units exposed SFPrecip100sum_res_units_2010_exp_sfprecipnumber
2040 residential units exposed SFPrecip100sum_res_units_2040_exp_sfprecipnumber
2010 job spaces exposed SFPrecip100sum_job_spaces_2010_exp_sfprecinumber
2040 job spaces exposed SFPrecip100sum_job_spaces_2040_exp_sfprecinumber
2010 residential units exposed Totalsum_total_residential_units_201number
2040 residential units exposed Totalsum_total_residential_units_204number
2010 job spaces exposed Totalsum_total_job_spaces_2010_totalnumber
2040 job spaces exposed Totalsum_total_job_spaces_2040_totalnumber