toc_policy_area_2022 | Last Updated 19 Jun 2023


Tags: policy, planning, transportation, land use, transit, toc, transit-oriented community, hess

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ObjectIdobjectidnumberObject identification value auto assigned by Esri.
CountycountytextName of county where the Transit-Oriented Community policy area is located.
JurisdictionjurisdictitextName of the city, town, or unincorporated county area where the Transit-Oriented Community policy area is located.
Transit Service Tierservi_tiernumberLevel of transit service available in the Transit-Oriented Community policy area. Allowed values are: 1 (Rail stations serving regional centers. Applies to the following stations: Downtown San Francisco (Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell, Civic Center, Transbay); Oakland (19th, 12th, Lake Merritt); San Jose (Diridon)), 2 (Stop/station served by two or more Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) lines or is served by both BART and Caltrain), 3 (Stop/station served by one BART line, Caltrain, light rail transit route, or bus rapid transit route), and 4 (Commuter rail (Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART), Altamont Corridor Express (ACE), Capitol Corridor) stations, Caltrain stations south of Tamien, or ferry terminal).
StatusstatustextDesignates whether the station/stop is in service or not. Allowed values are: Existing/Built (The station/stop exists and is in service) and Planned/Under Construction (The station/stop is not in service. It is either in the planning stage or is under construction).
Shape__Areashape_areanumberFeature area in square decimal degrees.
Shape__Lengthshape_lengthnumberFeature perimeter length in decimal degrees.
the_geomthe_geommultipolygonFeature geometry provided by Esri. Coordinates defining the features.