CBU Service Center - Electricity

data.bloomington.in.gov | Last Updated 7 Jun 2024

Monthly electricity usage, peak demand, and cost data at the CBU Service Center. Electricity usage reflects all on-site usage, including that from solar PV panel generation. Cost data is the monthly bill received from Duke, which includes the credits received from on-site solar PV electricity generation.

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
start_datestart_datecalendar_dateBilling period start date
end_dateend_datecalendar_dateBilling period end date
kwh_deliveredkwh_deliverednumberElectricity delivered from the grid (kWh)
total_kwhtotal_kwhnumberSum of billed_kwh and pv_onsite_kwh
pv_onsite_kWhpv_onsite_kwhnumberElectricity used on-site from solar generation
pv_offsite_kwhpv_offsite_kwhnumberElectricity put on to the grid from on-site solar generation
kWkwnumberBilling period peak demand (kW)
costcostnumberTotal charges during billing period after deducting credits earned for solar generation that went to the grid