Baton Rouge Annexation History | Last Updated 21 Oct 2022

This dataset depicts the expansion of the Baton Rouge city limits from 1817 to the present. All individual annexations since 1949 are depicted as well as select snapshots of the city boundary dating back to the original incorporation of the city of Baton Rouge.

Tags: annexation, baton rouge, city limits

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ORDINANCE NOordinance_notextThe unique number assigned to each adopted ordinance by the governing body.
ORDINANCE DATEordinance_datecalendar_dateThe date that the ordinance was adopted.
ANNEXATION YEARyear_annexednumberThe year that the annexation occurred.
DESCRIPTIONdescriptiontextA brief description about the property that was annexed.
ANNEXED AREA ACRESannexed_area_acnumberThe area in acres of the actual annexation.
ANNEXED AREA SQ MIannexed_area_sqminumberThe area in square miles of the actual annexation.
CUMULATIVE ANNEX ACRESannexed_area_cuml_acnumberA cumulative count of all area annexed, in acres, since the inception of City-Parish government in 1949.
CUMULATIVE ANNEX SQ MIannexed_area_cuml_sqminumberA cumulative count of all area annexed, in square miles, since the inception of City-Parish government in 1949.
CUMULATIVE CITY AREA ACREScity_area_cuml_acnumberA cumulative count of all area annexed, in acres, of the City of Baton Rouge since its founding in 1817.
CUMULATIVE CITY AREA SQ MIcity_area_cuml_sqminumberA cumulative count of all area annexed, in square miles, of the City of Baton Rouge since its founding in 1817.
ANNEXATION TYPEannexation_typetextEither an annexation or deannexation.