Street Address Listing | Last Updated 15 Dec 2021

Complete listing of all street addresses in East Baton Rouge Parish.

Tags: address, street, lot, property

This dataset has the following 13 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ADDRESS NOaddress_no_completetextThe fully concatenated address number including prefix, number, separator, suffix, and range
STREET PREFIX DIRECTIONst_prefix_dirtextDirectional prefix (N, S, E, W) of the street
STREET PREFIX TYPEst_prefix_typetextType of street (Avenue, Boulevard, Rue, etc)
STREET NAMEst_nametextThe official name of the street
STREET SUFFIX TYPEst_suffix_typetextType of street (Drive, Road, Highway, Boulevard, etc)
STREET SUFFIX DIRECTIONst_suffix_dirtextDirectional suffix (N, S, E, W) of the street
STREET EXTENSIONst_exttext"EXT" is used when a street is designated as an extension of the original
FULL ADDRESSfull_addresstextComplete address number and street name
CITYcitytextThe US Postal Service community name
ZIPziptextThe US Postal Service ZIP code
COUNCIL DISTRICT NOdistrict_numnumberMetropolitan Council District number (1-12)
COUNCILPERSON NAMEcouncil_persontextName of the Metropolitan Councilperson
JURISDICTIONlot_locationtextMunicipal jurisdiction of the address including Baker, Baton Rouge, Central, Zachary, or unincorporated area (Parish)