Legacy City-Parish Employees

data.brla.gov | Last Updated 16 May 2023

***THIS DATASET IS NO LONGER UPDATED*** In November 2018, the City-Parish switched to a new payroll system. We are in the final stages of adding employee data from the new system into Open Data BR. This data can be used to see employees as of the last day in the former payroll system. City-Parish employees, both active and inactive, that exist in the City-Parish Payroll System.

Tags: employees, salary, job title

This dataset has the following 24 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
EMPLOYEE NUMemployee_numtextEmployee Number
LAST NAMElast_nametext
FIRST NAMEfirst_nametext
MIDDLE INITIALmiddle_initialtext
DEPARTMENT NUMdepartment_numtext
DEPARTMENT NAMEdepartment_nametext
DIVISION NUMdivision_numtextDivision Number
DIVISION NAMEdivision_nametext
JOB CODEjob_codetext
JOB TITLEjob_code_descrtext
PAY RANGEpay_rangetext
PAY STEPpay_stepnumber
CURRENT HIRE DATEhire_datecalendar_dateMost current date employee hired (Does not include broken service with the City-Parish)
EMPLOYMENT END DATEterm_datecalendar_dateEnd of service date. The employee may have retired, resigned or was terminated.
YEARS SERVICEyears_servicenumberYears of service with City-Parish based on current hire date
SCHEDULED HOURSscheduled_hoursnumberScheduled hours per pay period
LONGEVITY PERCENTAGElong_percentnumber
HOURLY RATEhourly_ratenumber
TOTAL HOURLY RATExtr_tot_hr_ratenumberBase hourly rate plus any additional earnings
OVERTIME HOURLY RATExtr_ot_hr_ratenumberTotal hourly rate times 1.5
ANNUAL SALARYpm_annual_salarynumberAnnual salary based on paygrade and step, does not include any additional earnings
EMPLOYMENT STATUSpm_statusnumberEmployee status with City-Parish: 0 - Active, 1 - Temporary Leave (no arrears), 2 - Temporary Leave with Arrears, 3 - Inactive, 4 - Terminated Last Pay Period, 5 - No longer with City-Parish.