2016 Department/Salary Comparison

data.brla.gov | Last Updated 19 Jan 2017

Listing showing number of employees, sum of base pay, sum of overtime pay and sum of gross pay made by the employees of each City-Parish department.

Tags: salary, employee, department, longevity

This dataset has the following 5 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
EMPLOYEE NUMemployee_numtextEmployee Number
DEPARTMENT NAMEdepartment_nametext
TOTAL BASE PAYbase_paynumberAnnual salary plus longevity and other earning allowances (Educational, Hazardous Pay, etc)
GROSS PAYgross_paynumberBase pay plus overtime plus/minus any adjustments
TOTAL OVERTIME PAYtotal_overtime_paynumberTotal overtime amount earned for the year