Central Business District Cordon Count 2018

data.calgary.ca | Last Updated 1 Feb 2023

Every year in May, The City conducts the Central Business District (CBD) cordon count. The cordon count is performed at 31 locations around the CBD over a four week time period, collecting data on how people travel into and out of downtown Calgary. The CBD cordon circles the downtown with the Bow River to the north and the railway tracks to the south and from 11 Street in the west to the Elbow River in the east. These data represent the total number of persons entering (inbound) and exiting (outbound) at each location, by modes, during a 16 hour time period. This raw dataset is NOT normalized to average weekday. It is a snapshot of the inbound and outbound activity on a single day at these locations and reflects conditions specific to that day such as construction, lane closures, weather, etc. Therefore, data may not be directly comparable between locations or years. *Attachment is a summary of the inbound and outbound totals and mode of travel.* For additional information see <a href="http://www.calgary.ca/Transportation/TP/Pages/Planning/Transportation-Data/Central-Business-District-Cordon-Count.aspx">Central Business District Cordon Count</a>.

Tags: cordon, count, business, district, bike, transit, pedestrian, travel, car, vehicle

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Street Locationstreet_locationtext
Data collection daydata_collection_daycalendar_date
IB Auto Occ totalib_auto_occ_totalnumberInbound Automobile Occupancy Total
OB Auto Occ totalob_auto_occ_totalnumberOutbound Automobile Occupancy Total
IB Transit Occ totalib_transit_occ_totalnumberInbound Transit Occupancy Total
OB Transit Occ totalob_transit_occ_totalnumberOutbound Transit Occupancy Total
IB Peds Totalib_peds_totalnumberInbound Pedestrian Occupancy Total
OB Peds totalob_peds_totalnumberOutbound Pedestrian Occupancy Total
IB Cyclist Totalib_cyclist_totalnumberInbound Cyclist Occupancy Total
OB Cyclist totalob_cyclist_totalnumberOutbound Cyclist Occupancy Total