Public Trees | Last Updated 1 Oct 2024

Information about Calgary's urban forest, including the locations and types of trees on public land. To learn more, visit the <a href="">Urban Forest Management map</a>.

Tags: tree, forest, park, deciduous, evergreen

This dataset has the following 25 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
TREE_ASSET_CDtree_asset_cdtextThe short-hand code used to identify the community and park number an asset resides in.
ASSET_TYPEasset_typetextThe type of Parks asset
ASSET_SUBTYPEasset_subtypetextDeciduous trees will change colour and lose leaves in the fall, while Evergreen (Coniferous) trees will retain their needles throughout the winter.
COMMON_NAMEcommon_nametextThe non-scientific name given for a tree.
HORT_CODEhort_codetextThe short-hand code used by The City of Calgary to identify genus, species and cultivar.
GENUSgenustextThe first part in the binomial species name of a tree.
SPECIESspeciestextThe second part in the binomial species name of a tree.
CULTIVARcultivartextThe cultivar name of the tree.
DBH_CMdbh_cmnumberThe diameter at breast height (approximately 1.4 m) of a tree in centimeters.
MATURE_SIZEmature_sizetextThe expected size of a tree at full maturity.
RATINGratingnumberThe rating of the tree species based on the Alberta Tree Species Rating Guide from the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture).
TREE_CONDITION_RATING_PERCtree_condition_rating_percnumberThe most recent condition of a tree given as a percentage, which is determined by trained Urban Forestry staff during their last visit to that tree.
HERITAGE_TREESheritage_treestextA tree determined to be a Heritage Tree.
TREE_MAINTENANCEtree_maintenancetextThe current general maintenance level provided to the tree based up tree stage of life. ESTABLISH TREE – A young tree that needs help to get established and generally receives watering and higher maintenance; MAINTAIN TREE – An established, mature tree that only receives maintenance as needed; MAINTAIN SHRUB – Shrub that will only receive maintenance as needed; PLANT SITE – After a tree and its stump are removed, this indicates it may be a good spot to plant a new tree; STUMP REMOVAL – The tree has been removed, and a stump remains which requires removal.
MAINTAINED_BYmaintained_bytextThe organization currently responsible for maintenance of the asset.
WAM_IDwam_idtextThe unique identifier used to identify Parks assets. Each tree has its own WAM_ID.
COMM_CODEcomm_codetextThe short-hand code used to identify the community an asset resides in.