Voter Turnout, 1999 - Present | Last Updated 15 Mar 2024

Voter turnout for Municipal, State and Federal Elections in Cambridge from 1999 to the present. Data is reported by ward and precinct. More information about election districts is available here:

Tags: government and finance, elections, voter turnout

This dataset has the following 6 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Election Dateelection_datecalendar_dateDate of the Election
Election Typeelection_typetextType of Election: Municipal, Presidential Primary, State Primary, State Election, State/Presidential, Special State Primary, or Special State Election
Ward/Precinctward_precincttextThere were 42 precincts in 1999-2001, 33 precincts from 2002-2011, and 34 precincts since 2012.
Number Registerednumber_registerednumberThe number of registered voters in each precinct as of the election indicated
Number of Ballots Castnumber_of_ballots_castnumberThe number of ballots cast in each precinct for each election
PercentagepercentagenumberTurnout percentage: number of ballots cast divided by number registered