Solar Installations | Last Updated 31 Jul 2024

This dataset identifies locations of known solar installations. It includes both photovoltaic (PV) and solar hot water installations. The location may not fall in the exact placement of the solar equipment, especially on larger parcels, or parcels with equipment in multiple locations. This dataset only includes active installations. This dataset will be updated quarterly with new installations and to remove records for installations that have been retired.

Tags: community development department - cdd, energy, environment, sustainability, solar

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
SystemIDsystemidtextInternal randomly-generated identifier of the system
SystemTypesystemtypetextPV (photovoltaic) or Solar Hot Water
FullStreetAddressfullstreetaddresstextStreet address
BuildingTypebuildingtypetextBuilding type for this installation
SiteCategorysitecategorytextSite category for this installation
KWkwnumberIf the record is a PV system, the rated capacity of the system in KW.
SolarHotWaterSystemAreasolarhotwatersystemareanumberIf the record is a solar hot water system, the area of the collector in square feet.
PermitIssueDatepermitissuedatecalendar_dateDate the solar permit was issued for this installation.
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude of assigned point location
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude of assigned point location
Point locationpoint_locationpoint