Wards and Precincts

data.cambridgema.gov | Last Updated 1 Sep 2024

See full metadata: https://www.cambridgema.gov/GIS/gisdatadictionary/Elections/ELECTIONS_WardsPrecincts Description This polygon layer contains 11 wards and 33 precincts within the City of Cambridge. These were adjusted in 2021 from the 2020 U.S. Census. The Massachusetts Legislative boundaries do not follow these Cambridge Ward and Precinct boundaries in several areas. In part, this was because of the compressed timeline due to the Covid-19 pandemic during the 2020 US Census. Municipalities and the State were unable to coordinate precincts and legislative districts, and as a result sub-precincts within 9 precincts were unavoidable. Voters in a sub-precinct are listed on a separate voting list and have different ballots from other voters in the precinct during State Elections. Purpose This layer was created for general use by the Cambridge Election Commission and for public distribution. Cambridge wards and precincts which designate where voters will vote. About Edit Dates This data is automatically updated on a set schedule. The Socrata edit date may not reflect the actual edit dates in the data. For more details please see the update date on the full metadata page or view the edit date within the data rows.

Tags: elections, map, gis, wards and precincts

This dataset has the following 10 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Geometrythe_geommultipolygonGeospatial layer geometry. The latitude and longitude data for the underlying map shapes.
Ward PrecinctwardprecintextWard and Precinct
Total PopulationtotalpopnumberTotal population of precinct from 2010 US Census
created datecreated_dacalendar_date
last editedlast_editecalendar_date