COVID-19 Vaccination Age and Sex Trends in the United States, National and Jurisdictional | Last Updated 12 May 2023

This site provides data for select demographic characteristics (age, sex, and age by sex) of people receiving COVID-19 vaccinations in the United States at the national and jurisdictional levels. For national race/ethnicity data, please visit <a href="">COVID-19 Vaccination Demographics in the United States,National</a>. For jurisdictional race/ethnicity data, please visit the relevant health department website if available. Data represents all vaccine partners including jurisdictional partner clinics, retail pharmacies, long-term care facilities, dialysis centers, Federal Emergency Management Agency and Health Resources and Services Administration partner sites, and federal entity facilities. 

Tags: covid-19, coronavirus, izdl, immunization, administration, vaccination, demographics, sex, age, race, ethnicity

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Datedatecalendar_dateDate of vaccine administration
LocationlocationtextJurisdiction abbreviation (see "Jurisdiction Abbreviations" tab)
Demographic_Categorydemographic_categorytextAge, sex, or age by sex group of vaccine recipient
censuscensusnumber2019 Census Population
Administered_Dose1administered_dose1numberTotal count of people with at least one dose
Series_Complete_Yesseries_complete_yesnumberTotal count of people who completed a primary series
Booster_Dosesbooster_dosesnumberTotal count of people aged 5 years and older who completed a primary series and received a first booster dose
Second_Boostersecond_boosternumberTotal count of people aged 50 years and older who have received two booster doses
Administered_Dose1_pct_agegroupadministered_dose1_pct_agegroupnumberPercent of people in a demographic category with at least one dose who have information for the selected demographic category
Series_Complete_Pop_pct_agegroupseries_complete_pop_pct_agegroupnumberPercent of people in a demographic category who completed a primary series and have information for the selected demographic category
Booster_Doses_Vax_pct_agegroupbooster_doses_vax_pct_agegroupnumberPercent of people aged 5 years and older with a completed primary series in a demographic category who have received a first booster dose and have information for the selected demographic category
Second_Booster_Vax_pct_agegroupsecond_booster_vax_pct_agegroupnumberPercent of people aged 50 years and older with a first booster dose who received a second booster dose and have information for the selected demographic category