National Community Based Survey of Supports for Healthy Eating and Active Living (CBS HEAL) | Last Updated 25 Aug 2023

Community-Based Survey of Supports for Healthy Eating and Active Living (CBS HEAL) is a CDC survey of a nationally representative sample of U.S. municipalities to better understand existing community-level policies and practices that support healthy eating and active living. The survey collects information about policies such as nutrition standards, incentives for healthy food retail, bike/pedestrian-friendly design, and Complete Streets. About 2,000 municipalities respond to the survey. Participating municipalities receive a report that allows them to compare their policies and practices with other municipalities of similar geography, population size, and urban status. The CBS HEAL survey was first administered in 2014 and was administered again in 2021. Data is provided in multiple formats for download including as a SAS file. A methods report and a SAS program for formatting the data are also provided.

Tags: policy, nutrition physical activity and weight status, breastfeeding

This dataset has the following 117 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ADAPLANadaplannumberQ8: Has your local government developed or updated an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan since 2010?
BIKERACKbikeracknumberQ18: Does your local government have a written requirement or official objective to install bicycle racks at public facilities, such as public parks, government buildings, or transit stations?
DESTINAT_Adestinat_anumberQ40A: Vans or shuttle buses provide transportation to - Community health clinics, health hubs, or medical offices
DESTINAT_Bdestinat_bnumberQ40B: Vans or shuttle buses provide transportation to - Farmers markets
DESTINAT_Cdestinat_cnumberQ40C: Vans or shuttle buses provide transportation to - Supermarkets or other full-service grocery stores
DESTINAT_Ddestinat_dnumberQ40D: Vans or shuttle buses provide transportation to - Parks or recreation facilities
EQPLANeqplannumberQ9: Does your local government have a plan for the allocation of resources to low income or traditionally under-resourced areas?
FARMEBTfarmebtnumberQ53: Does/did your local government provide funding for Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) machines or provide technical assistance on how to obtain or use EBT machines...?
FARMMRKTfarmmrktnumberQ52: Does your community have a farmers market, farm stand, or green/produce cart?
FARMPOLICY_Afarmpolicy_anumberQ51A: Policies related to farmers markets, farm stands, or green/produce carts - Allow vendors to sell fresh produce on city-owned property
FARMPOLICY_Bfarmpolicy_bnumberQ51B: Policies related to farmers markets, farm stands, or green/produce carts - Streamline processes for obtaining health and food safety permits and licenses
FARMPOLICY_Cfarmpolicy_cnumberQ51C: Policies related to farmers markets, farm stands, or green/produce carts - Extend waivers of required business permits or retail licensing fees or taxes
FARMPOLICY_Dfarmpolicy_dnumberQ51D: Policies related to farmers markets, farm stands, or green/produce carts - Provide funds or in-kind services for personnel, signage, or advertising
FARMPOLICY_Efarmpolicy_enumberQ51E: Policies related to farmers markets, farm stands, or green/produce carts - Encourage opening in lower income neighborhoods lacking supermarkets or full-service grocery stores
FEMMATfemmatnumberQ60: Does your local government provide paid maternity leave for its employees?
FEMWEEKfemweeknumberQ61: How long is this maternity leave?
FEMWORKfemworknumberQ59: Does your local government have a policy that allows ALL (salaried and hourly) local government employees break time and space to pump breast milk?
FOODCOUNfoodcounnumberQ55: Is a local government employee or elected official a member of the food policy council, food security coalition, or other community groups working to increase access to healthy food?
FOODSECfoodsecnumberQ54: Does your community have a local, county, or regional food policy council, food security coalition, or other community group working to increase access to healthy food?
GENMANDATEgenmandatenumberQ3: Was the development of your Comprehensive/General/Master Plan mandated by the state
GENPLANgenplannumberQ2: Does your local government have a Comprehensive/General/Master Plan?
GENPLANUPgenplanupnumberQ5: When was your Comprehensive/General/Master Plan last revised or updated?
GENPLANYRgenplanyrnumberQ4: When was your Comprehensive/General/Master Plan first adopted?
GOVSTRUCT_Agovstruct_anumberQ1A: Department, Office, Division, or other similar entity responsible for - Transportation
GOVSTRUCT_Bgovstruct_bnumberQ1B: Department, Office, Division, or other similar entity responsible for - Planning
GOVSTRUCT_Cgovstruct_cnumberQ1C: Department, Office, Division, or other similar entity responsible for - Housing
GOVSTRUCT_Dgovstruct_dnumberQ1D: Department, Office, Division, or other similar entity responsible for - Parks and Recreation
GOVSTRUCT_Egovstruct_enumberQ1E: Department, Office, Division, or other similar entity responsible for - Health or Public Health
GOVSTRUCT_Fgovstruct_fnumberQ1F: Department, Office, Division, or other similar entity responsible for - Health Equity
HEALTHFOOD_Ahealthfood_anumberQ49A: Convenience or corner store help to sell healthier foods - Grant or low-interest loan programs to purchase equipment for storage or sale of healthful foods
HEALTHFOOD_Bhealthfood_bnumberQ49B: Convenience or corner store help to sell healthier foods - Technical assistance or training programs to increase the ability to sell healthier foods
HEALTHFOOD_Chealthfood_cnumberQ49C: Convenience or corner store help to sell healthier foods - Programs to link conveniuence or corner store improvements to broader neighborhood revitalization projects
HLTHFOODLOWhlthfoodlownumberQ50: Do any of these policies or programs used to help convenience or corner stores sell healthier foods explicitly prioritize low-income or under-resourced areas?
LEADTESTleadtestnumberQ58: Not including schools, does your local government require testing for lead in tap water in buildings owned or operated by local government?
LOCALTAClocaltacnumberQ23: Does your local government have a pedestrian, bicycle, or active transportation advisory committee?
LOWINCOMElowincomenumberQ48: Do any of these policies or programs used by your community to encourage supermarkets and other full-service grocery stores to open stores explicitly prioritize low-income or under-resourced areas?
NR_adj_wtnr_adj_wtnumberNonresponse-adjusted design weight
OBPLAN_Aobplan_anumberQ7A: Objectives in plans - Implementing a Completes Streets policy (as defined by the National Completes Streets Coalition)
OBPLAN_Bobplan_bnumberQ7B: Objectives in plans - Developing regulations that promote street connectivity
OBPLAN_Cobplan_cnumberQ7C: Objectives in plans - Establishing new parks, green spaces, or recreational walking and bicycling paths
OBPLAN_Dobplan_dnumberQ7D: Objectives in plans - Encouraging mixed-use development that combines residentail land use with one or more commercial, institutional, or other public land uses
OBPLAN_Eobplan_enumberQ7E: Objectives in plans - Supporting farmers markets or community gardens
OBPLAN_Fobplan_fnumberQ7F: Objectives in plans - Preserving land for agricultural uses
OBPLAN_Gobplan_gnumberQ7G: Objectives in plans - Providing free safe/clean drinking water in outdoor public places such as parks
OTHAGREEothagreenumberQ46: Are these nutrition standards included in food purchasing agreements and/or food service contracts?
OTHCONTRACTothcontractnumberQ43: Are any of these nutrition standards included in food purchasing agreements and/or food service contracts?
OTHFOODothfoodnumberQ41: Not including schools , does your local government or a subcontractor sell foods or beverages to employees or visitors on local government-owned or operated properties?
OTHGOVothgovnumberQ42: Not including schools , does your local government have written nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold to employees or visitors in or on government-owned or operated properties?
OTHOWNothownnumberQ45: Not including schools , does your local government have written nutrition standards for foods served to facility residents or program participants in facilities or programs it owns or operates?
OTHPLAN_Aothplan_anumberQ6A: Master plans not part of Comprehensive/General/Master Plan - A land use plan (for new development and growth management)
OTHPLAN_Bothplan_bnumberQ6B: Master plans not part of Comprehensive/General/Master Plan - A transportation plan
OTHPLAN_Cothplan_cnumberQ6C: Master plans not part of Comprehensive/General/Master Plan - A parks and recreation plan
OTHPLAN_Dothplan_dnumberQ6D: Master plans not part of Comprehensive/General/Master Plan - A bicycle or pedestrian plan
OTHPLAN_Eothplan_enumberQ6E: Master plans not part of Comprehensive/General/Master Plan - A health equity plan
OTHSERVEothservenumberQ44: Not including schools , does your local government or a subcontractor serve food (at little or no cost) to facility residents or program participants in facilities or programs owned or operated by the local government?
PAGOV_Apagov_anumberQ10A: Design standards, guidelines, or policies that require - Installation of dedicated bicycle infrastructure for roadway expansion projects or when retrofitting street
PAGOV_Bpagov_bnumberQ10B: Design standards, guidelines, or policies that require - Developers to reserve space for use by the local jurisdiction for development of bicycle infrastructure
PAGOV_Cpagov_cnumberQ10C: Design standards, guidelines, or policies that require - Traffic-calming features that increase roadway safety in areas with high pedestrian and bicycle volume
PARKPOL_Aparkpol_anumberQ19A: Policies or budget provisions - Lighting in parks or outdoor recreation areas
PARKPOL_Bparkpol_bnumberQ19B: Policies or budget provisions - Patrols by police or security in parks or outdoor recreation areas
PARKPOL_Cparkpol_cnumberQ19C: Policies or budget provisions - Maintenance of green space and equipment
PARKPOL_Dparkpol_dnumberQ19D: Policies or budget provisions - Prohibition of unleashed or unrestrained dogs in parks and outdoor recreation areas (excluding dog parks)
PARKPOL_Eparkpol_enumberQ19E: Policies or budget provisions - Provision of safe/clean drinking water fountains or water bottle filling stations in parks or outdoor recreation areas
PARKPOL_Fparkpol_fnumberQ19F: Policies or budget provisions - Maintenance of drinking water fountains in parks or outdoor recreation areas
PHCOUNC_Aphcounc_anumberQ56A: Designated health/public health representative on food policy council, food security coalition, or other community groups working to increase access to healthy food
PHCOUNC_Bphcounc_bnumberQ56B: Designated community representative on food policy council, food security coalition, or other community groups working to increase access to healthy food
POPULATIONSIZEpopulationsizenumberPopulation Size
POVERTY_BINARYpoverty_binarynumberPoverty - residents living below the poverty level
PUBAUTHpubauthnumberQ30: Is transportation planning for your community performed in part or completely by a regional/metropolitan authority or organization?
PUBCOMM_Apubcomm_anumberQ34A: Types of public transit available - Bus (e.g. fixed-route)
PUBCOMM_Bpubcomm_bnumberQ34B: Types of public transit available - Light rail
PUBCOMM_Cpubcomm_cnumberQ34C: Types of public transit available - Subway or commuter rail
PUBCOMM_Dpubcomm_dnumberQ34D: Types of public transit available - Paratransit (e.g. county or regional van service)
PUBCOMM_Epubcomm_enumberQ34E: Types of public transit available - Other
PUBCURRENTpubcurrentnumberQ33: Is the community currently served by public transit (e.g. buses, light rails, subway commuter rail)?
PUBDEMANDpubdemandnumberQ39: Even if your community is not served by mass transit, does your local government operate paratransit community vans or shuttle buses that operate on as-needed or on-demand basis?
PUBLOC_Apubloc_anumberQ38A: Local government consider locating public transit near - Community health clinics, health hubs, or medical offices
PUBLOC_Bpubloc_bnumberQ38B: Local government consider locating public transit near - Farmers markets
PUBLOC_Cpubloc_cnumberQ38C: Local government consider locating public transit near - Supermarkets or other full-service grocery stores
PUBLOC_Dpubloc_dnumberQ38D: Local government consider locating public transit near - Parks or recreation facilities
PUBLOC_Epubloc_enumberQ38E: Local government consider locating public transit near - Schools (including colleges/universities)
PUBMODESpubmodesnumberQ32: Does this process include criteria that prioritizes providing multiple transportation choices (including non-motorized modes and transit) for people to access homes, jobs, schools, food, or other retail?
PUBMULTIpubmultinumberQ36: Are there multimodal use requirements near transit stops (e.g. provision of bicycle lanes and sidewalks present within a certain radius of a transit stop)?
PUBSPECSpubspecsnumberQ35: Are requirements for public transit facilities specified (e.g. access, lighting, shelter) in community policies and plans?
PUBTODpubtodnumberQ37: Are there incentives offered to promote transit-oriented development (TOD) (e.g. increased density, different parking requirements)?
PUBTRANSpubtransnumberQ31: Does your local government have a defined process or set of criteria for prioritizing or selecting transportation projects?
REGIONregionnumberUS region
REPTAC_Areptac_anumberQ24A: Designated health/public health representative on pedestrian, bicycle, or active transportation advisory committee
REPTAC_Breptac_bnumberQ24B: Designated community representative on pedestrian, bicycle, or active transportation advisory committee
SCHDOORschdoornumberQ22: What school recreational facilities are covered by the joint or shared use agreement or memorandum of understanding
SCHJOINTschjointnumberQ21: Who is your joint use or shared use agreement with?
SCHRECschrecnumberQ20:Has your local government adopted a joint or shared use agreement or memorandum of understanding with any school that allows the public to use school recreational facilities
SNAPsnapnumberQ57: Does your local government offer incentive programs that allow Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients to purchase healthier foods at a subsidized or discounted rate beyond standard SNAP benefits?
STOREOPEN_Astoreopen_anumberQ47A: Approach to encourage supermarkets or full-service grocery stores to open - Tax incentives
STOREOPEN_Bstoreopen_bnumberQ47B: Approach to encourage supermarkets or full-service grocery stores to open - Grant or loan programs
STOREOPEN_Cstoreopen_cnumberQ47C: Approach to encourage supermarkets or full-service grocery stores to open - Programs to link store opening to broader neighborhood revitalization projects
STRATUMCstratumcnumberCombined stratum sample design variable
STREETADOPTstreetadoptnumberQ13: When was your Complete Streets policy first adopted?
STREETCOMPstreetcompnumberQ11: Does your local government have a formal Complete Streets policy, as defined by the National Complete Streets Coalition, for designing and operating streets with safe access for all users?
STREETFORMstreetformnumberQ17: Does your local government have Form-Based Code regulations in place, as defined by the Form-Based Codes Institute?
STREETGOVstreetgovnumberQ12: What level of government adopted the Complete Streets policy?
STREETMEASstreetmeasnumberQ15: Does the Complete Streets policy establish specific performance measures that will be used to monitor success?
STREETREVISEstreetrevisenumberQ14: When was your Complete Streets policy last revised or updated?
STREETZEROstreetzeronumberQ16: Does your local government have a Vision Zero Action Plan or Strategy in place, as defined by the Vision Zero Network?
SU_IDsu_idnumberUnique identification number
ZONECODE_Azonecode_anumberQ27A: Features in policies for development - Require short to medium pedestrian-scale block sizes
ZONECODE_Bzonecode_bnumberQ27B: Features in policies for development - Require continuous sidewalk coverage
ZONECODE_Czonecode_cnumberQ27C: Features in policies for development - Require minimum sidewalk widths of 5 feet
ZONECODE_Dzonecode_dnumberQ27D: Features in policies for development - Require buildings are oriented to pedestrian scale
ZONECODE_Ezonecode_enumberQ27E: Features in policies for development - Require pedestrian amentities such as trees or furniture along the street
ZONECODE_Fzonecode_fnumberQ27F: Features in policies for development - Allow mixed land uses
ZONECODE_Gzonecode_gnumberQ27G: Features in policies for development - Require or incentivize accessibility of safe/clean drinking water in outdoor public places
ZONELOCzonelocnumberQ25: Does your local government have a planning and/or zoning commission?
ZONEPOLzonepolnumberQ29: Does your local government have specific zoning policies to address recurring non-permanent farmers markets?
ZONEREMzoneremnumberQ28: Does your local government have policies that remove zoning barriers (e.g. lot size requirements) or provide other zoning incentives to encourage supermarkets to open in underserved areas or food deserts?
ZONEREP_Azonerep_anumberQ26A: Designated health/public health representative on planning and/or zoning commiss
ZONEREP_Bzonerep_bnumberQ26B: Designated community representative on planning and/or zoning commission