COVID-19 County Hesitancy | Last Updated 17 May 2021

This map shows estimates of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy rates using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey (HPS). We estimate hesitancy rates in two steps. First, we estimate hesitancy rates at the state level using the HPS for the collection period March 3, 2021 – March 15, 2021, which is referred to as Week 26. Then, we utilize the estimated values to predict hesitancy rates in more granular areas using the Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS). To create county-level estimates, we used a PUMA-to-county crosswalk from the Missouri Census Data Center. PUMAs spanning multiple counties had their estimates apportioned across those counties based on overall 2010 Census populations. We use the HPS survey question, “Once a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 is available to you, would you…get a vaccine?”, which provides the following options: 1) “definitely get a vaccine”; 2) “probably get a vaccine”; 3) “probably not get a vaccine”; 4) “definitely not get a vaccine”. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy was defined as follows: hesitancy: includes survey responses indicating that they would “probably not” or “definitely not” receive a COVID-19 vaccine when available. strong hesitancy: include only survey responses indicating that they would “definitely not” receive a COVID-19 vaccine when available. Full methodology for estimates of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is available here. Demographic data were obtained from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates. Overall social vulnerability index was obtained from the 2018 CDC Social Vulnerability Index. The CDC's Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) summarizes the extent to which a community is socially vulnerable to disaster. The factors considered in developing the SVI include economic data as well as data regarding education, family characteristics, housing language ability, ethnicity, and vehicle access. SVI values range from 0 (least vulnerable) to 1 (most vulnerable). The SVI can also be categorized as follows: Very Low (0.0-0.19), Low (0.20-0.39); Moderate (0.40-0.59); High (0.60-0.79); Very High (0.80-1.0). The ability to handle a COVID-19 outbreak was obtained from the Surgo Covid-19 Vaccine Coverage Index (CVAC). The Covid-19 Vaccine Coverage (CVAC) Index measures how well a community may be able to handle the repercussions of a COVID-19 outbreak. CVAC is based on a community's access to health care, affordable housing, transportation, childcare, or safe and secure employment. CVAC Index values range from 0 (least vulnerable) to 1 (most vulnerable). The CVAC Index can also be categorized as follows: Very Low (0.0-0.19), Low (0.20-0.39); Moderate (0.40-0.59); High (0.60-0.79); Very High (0.80-1.0). The percent of adults (18+) in the population who are fully vaccinated was obtained from the CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker, Integrated County View as of March 30, 2021. Vaccination rate data may not be available for all states. Systematic missing data in some states may result in vaccination coverage by county appearing artificially low.