Air Quality Measures on the National Environmental Health Tracking Network | Last Updated 5 Jun 2018

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides air pollution data about ozone and particulate matter (PM2.5) to CDC for the Tracking Network. The EPA maintains a database called the Air Quality System (AQS) which contains data from approximately 4,000 monitoring stations around the country, mainly in urban areas. Data from the AQS is considered the "gold standard" for determining outdoor air pollution. However, AQS data are limited because the monitoring stations are usually in urban areas or cities and because they only take air samples for some air pollutants every three days or during times of the year when air pollution is very high. CDC and EPA have worked together to develop a statistical model (Downscaler) to make modeled predictions available for environmental public health tracking purposes in areas of the country that do not have monitors and to fill in the time gaps when monitors may not be recording data. This data does not include "Percent of population in counties exceeding NAAQS (vs. population in counties that either meet the standard or do not monitor PM2.5)". Please visit the Tracking homepage for this information.View additional information for indicator definitions and documentation by selecting Content Area "Air Quality" and the respective indicator at the following website:

Tags: environmental hazard, air quality, air quality system, daily maximum 8 hour average concentration, daily 24 hour average concentration, hourly observations, site monitoring data, regulatory resources, national ambient air quality standards, caa 109: clean air act section 109, o3, ozone - residual, ozone residual, ozone, pm2.5, particulate matter, particulate matter < 2.5 um, pm fine 0-2.5 um stp, pm2.5 - local conditions, particulate matter - pm2.5, air pollution, air quality index, oxygen, particle pollution, environmental health, tracking, tracking network, national environmental health tracking network, tracking program

This dataset has the following 14 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
MeasureIdmeasureidnumberUnique identifier for Measure Name used within the Environmental Health Tracking Network
MeasureNamemeasurenametextUnique name created by National Environmental Health Tracking Network to identify and clearly describe data presented
MeasureTypemeasuretypetextType of data value being captured (e.g. Average, Count, Prevalence, etc.)
StratificationLevelstratificationleveltextGeogrpahic resolution by which data is captured and presented
StateFipsstatefipstextUnique two-digit numeric code assigned to each state in the United States.
StateNamestatenametextName of state in the United States.
CountyFipscountyfipstextUnique five-digit code assigned to each county in the United States. The first two digits are the state FIPS code and the last three digits correspond to the county within that state.
CountyNamecountynametextName of county within the state
ReportYearreportyeartextData report year
ValuevaluenumberData value specific to data measure in the stratified geography
UnitunittextShorthand unit name for the specific measure
UnitNameunitnametextLong unit name for the specific measure
DataOrigindataorigintextIndicates if the data is monitor only (AQS data), or if it is monitor and modeled (with Downscaler modeled predictions for counties and days without monitoring data)
MonitorOnlymonitoronlynumberFlags if data is Monitor only, compared to monitor and modeled data.