COVID-19 Daily Vaccinations - Chicago Residents - Historical | Last Updated 20 Dec 2023

NOTE: This dataset has been retired and marked as historical-only. The recommended dataset to use in its place is COVID-19 vaccinations administered to Chicago residents based on home address, as reported by medical providers in the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE). I-CARE includes doses administered in Illinois and some doses administered outside of Illinois and reported in I-CARE by Illinois providers. Definitions: ·People with at least one vaccine dose: Number of people who have received at least one dose of any COVID-19 vaccine, including the single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. ·People with a completed vaccine series: Number of people who have completed a primary COVID-19 vaccine series. Requirements vary depending on age and type of primary vaccine series received. ·People with an original booster dose: Number of people who have a completed vaccine series and have received at least one additional monovalent dose. This includes people who received a monovalent booster dose and immunocompromised people who received an additional primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Monovalent doses were created from the original strain of the virus that causes COVID-19. ·People with a bivalent dose: Number of people who received a bivalent (updated) dose of vaccine. Updated, bivalent doses became available in Fall 2022 and were created with the original strain of COVID-19 and newer Omicron variant strains. ·Total doses administered: Number of all COVID-19 vaccine doses administered. Daily counts are shown for the total number of doses administered, number of people with at least one vaccine dose, number of people who have a completed vaccine series, number of people with a monovalent booster dose, and number of people with a bivalent dose. Cumulative totals are also provided for each measure as of that date. Vaccinations are counted based on the day the vaccine was administered. Coverage percentages for the City of Chicago are calculated based on cumulative number of people with that vaccination status. Daily totals of all doses, number of people with at least one vaccine dose, number of people who have completed a vaccine series, number of people with a booster dose, and number of people with a bivalent dose are shown by age group, gender, and race/ethnicity. Denominators are from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 1-year estimate for 2019 and can be seen in the Citywide, 2019 row of the Chicago Population Counts dataset ( The Chicago Department of Health (CDPH) uses the most complete data available to estimate COVID-19 vaccination coverage among Chicagoans, but there are several limitations that impact our estimates. Data reported in I-CARE only include doses administered in Illinois and some doses administered outside of Illinois reported historically by Illinois providers. Doses administered by the federal Bureau of Prisons and Department of Defense, are also not currently reported in I-CARE. The Veterans Health Administration began reporting doses in I-CARE beginning September 2022. Due to people receiving vaccinations that are not recorded in I-CARE that can be linked to their record, such as someone receiving a vaccine dose in another state, the number of people with a completed series or a booster dose is underestimated. Inconsistencies in records of separate doses administered to the same person, such as slight variations in dates of birth, can result in duplicate first dose records for a person and overestimate of the number of people with at least one dose and underestimate the number of people with a completed series or booster dose. All data are provisional and subject to change. Information is updated as additional details are received and it is, in fact, very common for recent dates to be incomplete and to be updated as time goes on. At any given time, this dataset reflects data currently known to CDPH. Numbers in this dataset may differ from other public sources due to when data are reported and how vaccination statuses and City of Chicago boundaries are defined. For all datasets related to COVID-19, see Data Source: Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE), U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey

Tags: covid-19, vaccination, gender, health, public health, link to article present, historical

This dataset has the following 155 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Datedatecalendar_dateDate vaccine administered. Blank indicates unknown date.
Total Doses - Dailytotal_doses_dailynumberTotal number of shots given on the date.
Total Doses - Cumulativetotal_doses_cumulativenumberTotal number of shots given through the date.
1st Dose - Daily_1st_dose_dailynumberNumber of people who received a first vaccine dose on the date.
1st Dose - Cumulative_1st_dose_cumulativenumberTotal number of people with at least one vaccine dose through the date.
1st Dose - Percent Population_1st_dose_percent_populationnumberCumulative percentage of Chicagoans that have received at least one vaccine dose.
Vaccine Series Completed - Dailyvaccine_series_completed_dailynumberNumber of Chicago residents who completed a vaccine series on the date.
Vaccine Series Completed - Cumulativevaccine_series_completed_cumulativenumberTotal number of Chicago residents who have completed a vaccine series through the date.
Vaccine Series Completed - Percent Populationvaccine_series_completed_percent_populationnumberCumulative percentage of Chicagoans that have completed a vaccine series.
Booster - Dailybooster_dailynumberNumber of people who have a completed vaccine series and have received at least one additional monovalent dose on the date. This includes people who received a booster dose and immunocompromised people who received an additional primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
Booster - Cumulativebooster_cumulativenumberNumber of people who have a completed vaccine series and have received at least one additional monovalent dose through the date. This includes people who received a booster dose and immunocompromised people who received an additional primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
Booster - Percent Populationbooster_percent_populationnumberCumulative percentage of Chicagoans that have received at least one booster dose, as defined in the previous columns.
Bivalent - Dailybivalent_dailynumberNumber of people who have received a bivalent (updated) vaccine dose on the date.
Bivalent - Cumulativebivalent_cumulativenumberNumber of people who have received a bivalent (updated) vaccine dose through the date.
Bivalent - Percent Populationbivalent_percent_populationnumberCumulative percentage of Chicagoans that have received a bivalent (updated) vaccine dose.
Total Doses - Daily - Age 0-17total_doses_daily_age_0_17number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 18-29total_doses_daily_age_18_29number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 30-39total_doses_daily_age_30_39number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 40-49total_doses_daily_age_40_49number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 50-59total_doses_daily_age_50_59number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 60-69total_doses_daily_age_60_69number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 70-79total_doses_daily_age_70_79number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 80+total_doses_daily_age_80_plusnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Age 0-4total_doses_daily_age_0_4number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 5-11total_doses_daily_age_5_11number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 12-17total_doses_daily_age_12_17number
Total Doses - Daily - Age 5+total_doses_daily_age_5_plusnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Age 12+total_doses_daily_age_12_plusnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Age 18+total_doses_daily_age_18_plusnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Age 65+total_doses_daily_age_65_plusnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Age 75+total_doses_daily_age_75_plusnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Unknown Agetotal_doses_daily_age_unknownnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Femaletotal_doses_daily_femalenumber
Total Doses - Daily - Maletotal_doses_daily_malenumber
Total Doses - Daily - Unknown Gendertotal_doses_daily_unknown_gendernumber
Total Doses - Daily - Latinxtotal_doses_daily_latinxnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Asian Non-Latinxtotal_doses_daily_asian_non_latinxnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Black Non-Latinxtotal_doses_daily_black_non_latinxnumber
Total Doses - Daily - White Non-Latinxtotal_doses_daily_white_non_latinxnumber
Total Doses - Daily - American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Latinxtotal_doses_daily_american_indian_alaska_native_non_latinxnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native Non-Latinxtotal_doses_daily_pacific_islander_hawaiian_native_non_latinxnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Other Non-Latinxtotal_doses_daily_other_non_latinxnumber
Total Doses - Daily - Unknown Race/Ethnicitytotal_doses_daily_unknown_race_ethnicitynumber
1st Dose - Daily - Age 0-17_1st_dose_daily_age_0_17number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 18-29_1st_dose_daily_age_18_29number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 30-39_1st_dose_daily_age_30_39number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 40-49_1st_dose_daily_age_40_49number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 50-59_1st_dose_daily_age_50_59number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 60-69_1st_dose_daily_age_60_69number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 70-79_1st_dose_daily_age_70_79number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 80+_1st_dose_daily_age_80_number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 0-4_1st_dose_daily_age_0_4number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 5-11_1st_dose_daily_age_5_11number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 12-17_1st_dose_daily_age_12_17number
1st Dose - Daily - Age 5+_1st_dose_daily_age_5_plusnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Age 12+_1st_dose_daily_age_12_plusnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Age 18+_1st_dose_daily_age_18_plusnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Age 65+_1st_dose_daily_age_65_plusnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Age 75+_1st_dose_daily_age_75_plusnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Unknown Age_1st_dose_daily_age_unknownnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Female_1st_dose_daily_femalenumber
1st Dose - Daily - Male_1st_dose_daily_malenumber
1st Dose - Daily - Unknown Gender_1st_dose_daily_gender_unknownnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Latinx_1st_dose_daily_latinxnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Asian Non-Latinx_1st_dose_daily_asian_non_latinxnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Black Non-Latinx_1st_dose_daily_black_non_latinxnumber
1st Dose - Daily - White Non-Latinx_1st_dose_daily_white_non_latinxnumber
1st Dose - Daily - American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Latinx_1st_dose_daily_american_indian_alaska_native_non_latinxnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native Non-Latinx_1st_dose_daily_pacific_islander_hawaiian_native_non_latinxnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Other Race Non-Latinx_1st_dose_daily_other_race_non_latinxnumber
1st Dose - Daily - Unknown Race/Ethnicity_1st_dose_daily_unknown_race_ethnicitynumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 0-17vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_0_17number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 18-29vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_18_29number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 30-39vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_30_39number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 40-49vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_40_49number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 50-59vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_50_59number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 60-69vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_60_69number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 70-79vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_70_79number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 80+vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_80_plusnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 0-4vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_0_4number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 5-11vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_5_11number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 12-17vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_12_17number
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 5+vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_5_plusnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 12+vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_12_plusnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 18+vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_18_plusnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 65+vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_65_plusnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Age 75+vaccine_series_completed_daily_age_75_plusnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Unknown Agevaccine_series_completed_daily_age_unknown_agenumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Femalevaccine_series_completed_daily_femalenumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Malevaccine_series_completed_daily_malenumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Unknown Gendervaccine_series_completed_daily_unknown_gendernumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Latinxvaccine_series_completed_daily_latinxnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Asian Non-Latinxvaccine_series_completed_daily_asian_non_latinxnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Black Non-Latinxvaccine_series_completed_daily_black_non_latinxnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - White Non-Latinxvaccine_series_completed_daily_white_non_latinxnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Latinxvaccine_series_completed_daily_american_indian_alaska_native_non_latinxnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native Non-Latinxvaccine_series_completed_daily_pacific_islander_hawaiian_native_non_latinxnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Other Race Non-Latinxvaccine_series_completed_daily_other_race_non_latinxnumber
Vaccine Series Completed - Daily - Unknown Race/Ethnicityvaccine_series_completed_daily_unknown_race_ethnicitynumber
Booster - Daily - Age 0-17booster_daily_age_0_17number
Booster - Daily - Age 18-29booster_daily_age_18_29number
Booster - Daily - Age 30-39booster_daily_age_30_39number
Booster - Daily - Age 40-49booster_daily_age_40_49number
Booster - Daily - Age 50-59booster_daily_age_50_59number
Booster - Daily - Age 60-69booster_daily_age_60_69number
Booster - Daily - Age 70-79booster_daily_age_70_79number
Booster - Daily - Age 80+booster_daily_age_80_plusnumber
Booster - Daily - Age 0-4booster_daily_age_0_4number
Booster - Daily - Age 5-11booster_daily_age_5_11number
Booster - Daily - Age 12-17booster_daily_age_12_17number
Booster - Daily - Age 5+booster_daily_age_5_plusnumber
Booster - Daily - Age 12+booster_daily_age_12_plusnumber
Booster - Daily - Age 18+booster_daily_age_18_plusnumber
Booster - Daily - Age 65+booster_daily_age_65_plusnumber
Booster - Daily - Age 75+booster_daily_age_75_plusnumber
Booster - Daily - Unknown Agebooster_daily_unknown_agenumber
Booster - Daily - Femalebooster_daily_femalenumber
Booster - Daily - Malebooster_daily_malenumber
Booster - Daily - Unknown Genderbooster_daily_unknown_gendernumber
Booster - Daily - Latinxbooster_daily_latinxnumber
Booster - Daily - Asian Non-Latinxbooster_daily_asian_non_latinxnumber
Booster - Daily - Black Non-Latinxbooster_daily_black_non_latinxnumber
Booster - Daily - White Non-Latinxbooster_daily_white_non_latinxnumber
Booster - Daily - American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Latinxbooster_daily_american_indian_alaska_native_non_latinxnumber
Booster - Daily - Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native Non-Latinxbooster_daily_pacific_islander_hawaiian_native_non_latinxnumber
Booster - Daily - Other Race Non-Latinxbooster_daily_other_race_non_latinxnumber
Booster - Daily - Unknown Race/Ethnicitybooster_daily_unknown_race_ethnicitynumber
Bivalent - Daily - Age 0-17bivalent_daily_age_0_17number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 18-29bivalent_daily_age_18_29number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 30-39bivalent_daily_age_30_39number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 40-49bivalent_daily_age_40_49number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 50-59bivalent_daily_age_50_59number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 60-69bivalent_daily_age_60_69number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 70-79bivalent_daily_age_70_79number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 80+bivalent_daily_age_80_plusnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Age 0-4bivalent_daily_age_0_4number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 5-11bivalent_daily_age_5_11number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 12-17bivalent_daily_age_12_17number
Bivalent - Daily - Age 5+bivalent_daily_age_5_plusnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Age 12+bivalent_daily_age_12_plusnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Age 18+bivalent_daily_age_18_plusnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Age 65+bivalent_daily_age_65_plusnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Age 75+bivalent_daily_age_75_plusnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Unknown Agebivalent_daily_unknown_agenumber
Bivalent - Daily - Femalebivalent_daily_femalenumber
Bivalent - Daily - Malebivalent_daily_malenumber
Bivalent - Daily - Unknown Genderbivalent_daily_unknown_gendernumber
Bivalent - Daily - Latinxbivalent_daily_latinxnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Asian Non-Latinxbivalent_daily_asian_non_latinxnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Black Non-Latinxbivalent_daily_black_non_latinxnumber
Bivalent - Daily - White Non-Latinxbivalent_daily_white_non_latinxnumber
Bivalent - Daily - American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Latinxbivalent_daily_american_indian_alaska_native_non_latinxnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native Non-Latinxbivalent_daily_pacific_islander_hawaiian_native_non_latinxnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Other Non-Latinxbivalent_daily_other_non_latinxnumber
Bivalent - Daily - Unknown Race/Ethnicitybivalent_daily_unknown_race_ethnicitynumber