Beach Weather Stations - Automated Sensors - 2015 - Humidity | Last Updated 23 Sep 2016

The Chicago Park District maintains weather sensors at beaches along Chicago's Lake Michigan lakefront. These sensors generally capture the indicated measurements hourly while the sensors are in operation during the summer. During other seasons and at some other times, information from the sensors may not be available. See for a dataset with similar measurements on the lake water, itself.

Tags: beaches, parks, chicago park district, open spaces, parks & recreation, recreation, water

This dataset has the following 18 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Station Namestation_nametext
Measurement Timestampmeasurement_timestampcalendar_dateThe date and time when the measurements were taken.
Air Temperatureair_temperaturenumberAir Temperature in Celsius degrees.
Wet Bulb Temperaturewet_bulb_temperaturenumberWet bulb temperature in Celsius degrees.
HumidityhumiditynumberPercent relative humidity.
Rain Intensityrain_intensitynumberRain intensity in mm per hour.
Interval Raininterval_rainnumberRain since the last hourly measurement, in mm.
Total Raintotal_rainnumberTotal rain since midnight in mm.
Precipitation Typeprecipitation_typenumber0 = No precipitation 60 = Liquid precipitation, e.g. rain - Ice, hail and sleet are transmitted as rain (60). 70 = Solid precipitation, e.g. snow 40 = unspecified precipitation
Wind Directionwind_directionnumberWind direction in degrees.
Wind Speedwind_speednumberWind speed in meters per second at the time the record was reported.
Maximum Wind Speedmaximum_wind_speednumberMaximum wind speed in the two-minute period immediately preceding the time the record was reported.
Barometric Pressurebarometric_pressurenumberBarometric pressure in hPa.
Solar Radiationsolar_radiationnumberSolar radiation in watts per square meter.
HeadingheadingnumberThe current heading of the wind-measurement unit. The ideal value to get the most accurate measurements is true north (0 degrees) and the unit is manually adjusted, as necessary, to keep it close to this heading
Battery Lifebattery_lifenumberBattery voltage, an indicator of remaining battery life used by the Chicago Park District to know when batteries should be replaced.
Measurement Timestamp Labelmeasurement_timestamp_labeltextThe Last Updated value in text format, suitable for use in the Visualize function.
Measurement IDmeasurement_idtextA unique record ID made up of the Station Name and Measurement Timestamp.