Budget - 2012 Budget Recommendations - Appropriations

data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 17 Oct 2011

The dataset details 2012 Budget Recommendations, which is the line-item budget document proposed by the Mayor to the City Council for approval. Budgeted expenditures are identified by department, appropriation account, and funding type: Local, Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), and other Grants. “Local” funds refer to those line items that are balanced with locally-generated revenue sources, including but not limited to the Corporate Fund, Water Fund, Midway and O’Hare Airport funds, Vehicle Tax Fund, Library Fund and General Obligation Bond funds. Owner: Budget and Management. Frequency: Data is updated annually. For more information about the budget process, visit the Budget Documents page: http://j.mp/lPotWf.

Tags: budget, 2012

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
FUND TYPEfund_typetext
FUND CODEfund_codetext
FUND DESCRIPTIONfund_descriptiontext
DEPARTMENT NUMBERdepartment_codenumber
DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTIONdepartment_descriptiontext
APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTappropriation_accountnumber
APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONappropriation_account_descriptiontext
2011 APPROPRIATION_appropriationnumber
2011 REVISED APPROPRIATION_revised_appropriationnumber
2012 RECOMMENDATION_recommendationnumber