Ordinance Violations (Buildings)

data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 20 Jul 2023

<b>Note: For questions related to a specific violation or code requirements, please contact the Department of Buildings. For questions regarding the hearings process, a hearing date, or a hearing disposition, please contact the Department of Administrative Hearings. </b>Contact information can be found under "Government" at the top of https://www.chicago.gov. For questions related to using the dataset, please use the Contact Dataset Owner button below. List of ordinance violations filed with the Department of Administrative Hearings. This data set reflects building code violations brought before the Chicago Department of Administrative Hearings. It does not reflect building code violations brought before the Circuit Court of Cook County. Each row of data represents a unique violation. Multiple violations may be associated with a single case. The most recent status of the case is shown in the dataset and is updated daily. Hearing date corresponds to the date of the most recent hearing. Each case often consists of multiple hearings and may encounter continuances due to various circumstances before a final disposition is rendered. The case disposition, date of the disposition, and any applicable fines and administrative costs are listed when the case is fully completed. The latest hearing status or disposition reflects the condition of the property at that time and may not reflect the current condition of the property. When multiple respondents are cited, each respondent is separated by a pipe ("|") character. Respondents sometimes are added to cases for technical legal reasons so are not necessarily the parties believed to have committed the violations.

Tags: ordinance, ordinance violations, buildings, violations, administrative hearings

This dataset has the following 22 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
DOCKET NUMBERdocket_numbertextCourt case number
NOV NUMBERnov_numbertextNotice of Violation number / Ticket Number.
STREET NUMBERstreet_numbernumber
STREET DIRECTIONstreet_directiontext
STREET NAMEstreet_nametext
STREET TYPEstreet_typetext
ISSUING DEPARTMENTissuing_departmenttext
HEARING DATEhearing_datecalendar_date
CASE DISPOSITIONcase_dispositiontext
IMPOSED FINEimposed_finenumberImposed fine based on the case disposition.
ADMIN COSTSadmin_costsnumberAdministrative costs associated with the case disposition.
LAST MODIFIED DATElast_modified_datecalendar_dateLast date the case was modified in the database.
VIOLATION DATEviolation_datecalendar_date
VIOLATION CODEviolation_codetext
VIOLATION DESCRIPTIONviolation_descriptiontext