311 Service Requests - Vacant and Abandoned Buildings Reported - Map

data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 27 Aug 2016

Data set contains all 311 calls for open and vacant buildings reported to the City of Chicago since January 1, 2010. The information is updated daily with the previous day's calls added to the records. The data set provides the date of the 311 service request and the unique Service Request # attached to each request. For each request, the following information (as reported by the 311 caller) is available: address location of building; whether building is vacant or occupied; whether the building is open or boarded; entry point if building is open; whether non-residents are occupying or using the building, if the building appears dangerous or hazardous and if the building is vacant due to a fire.

Tags: buildings

This dataset has the following 20 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
SERVICE REQUEST TYPEservice_request_typetextService Request Type
SERVICE REQUEST NUMBERservice_request_numbertextService Request Number
DATE SERVICE REQUEST WAS RECEIVEDdate_service_request_was_receivedcalendar_dateDate Service Request Was Received
LOCATION OF BUILDING ON THE LOT (IF GARAGE, CHANGE TYPE CODE TO BGD).location_of_building_on_the_lot_if_garage_change_type_code_to_bgd_textLocation of Building on the Lot
IS THE BUILDING DANGEROUS OR HAZARDOUS?is_the_building_dangerous_or_hazardous_textis the Building Dangerous or Hazardous?
IS BUILDING OPEN OR BOARDED?is_building_open_or_boarded_textIs Building Open or Boarded?
IF THE BUILDING IS OPEN, WHERE IS THE ENTRY POINT?if_the_building_is_open_where_is_the_entry_point_textIf the Building is Open, Where is the Entry Point?
IS THE BUILDING CURRENTLY VACANT OR OCCUPIED?is_the_building_currently_vacant_or_occupied_textIs the Building Currently Vacant or Occupied?
IS THE BUILDING VACANT DUE TO FIRE?is_the_building_vacant_due_to_fire_checkboxIs the Building Vacant Due to Fire?
ANY PEOPLE USING PROPERTY? (HOMELESS, CHILDEN, GANGS)any_people_using_property_homeless_childen_gangs_checkboxAny People Using Property (e.g., Homeless, Children, Gangs)?
ADDRESS STREET NUMBERaddress_street_numbertextAddress Street Number
ADDRESS STREET DIRECTIONaddress_street_directiontextAddress Street Direction
ADDRESS STREET NAMEaddress_street_nametextAddress Street Name
ADDRESS STREET SUFFIXaddress_street_suffixtextAddress Street Suffix
ZIP CODEzip_codenumber
X COORDINATEx_coordinatenumber
Y COORDINATEy_coordinatenumber