Budget - 2021 Budget Recommendations - Positions and Salaries - Chart

data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 20 Oct 2020

This dataset includes recommended positions and salaries for 2021 by title (without names) and salary. The dataset is excerpted from the 2021 Budget Recommendations, which is the line-item budget proposed by the Mayor to the City Council for approval. Disclaimer: the “Total Budgeted Unit” column displays either A) the number of employees AND vacancies associated with a given position, or B) the number of budgeted units (ie. hours/months) for that position. “Position Control” determines whether Total Budgeted Units column will count employees and vacancies or hours/months. If a Position Control is 1, then employees and vacancies are displayed; if a Position Control is 0, then the total number of hours/months recorded is displayed. This dataset follows the format of the equivalent datasets from past years except that Division Code, Section Code, Subsection Code, and Position Control have changed from Number to Text (not all in the same year) in order to accommodate non-numeric values. For more information about the budget process, visit the Budget Documents page: http://j.mp/lPotWf.