Building Code Scofflaw List - Map | Last Updated 13 Dec 2023

The Chicago Building Scofflaw Ordinance (Section 2-92-416 of the Municipal Code of Chicago) is designed to prevent landlords that refuse or refrain from correcting ongoing building code violations from receiving city contracts, including those that subsidize housing. Building owners must have a least three residential buildings with uncorrected violations and have had three or more properties referred to Circuit Court within the applicable 12 month period to be eligible for the list. The building code scofflaw list is updated once a year on the first business day of December, and building owners may appeal being named on the list. Building owners with controlling interest in at least three residential properties that have habitual, extensive or serioues building code violations are now ineligible for any new city contracts in 2015. The following individuals or entities have been placed on the Building Code Scofflaw list for the entire calendar year.

Tags: scofflaw, buildings, violations

This dataset has the following 13 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
DEFENDANT OWNERdefendant_ownertextA list of the building owners who are named as defendants in the code enforcement proceeding as of the owner list date. Owners are listed one month after the building list date.
ADDRESSaddresstextPrimary address of building (used for geocoding and other geographic information).
SECONDARY ADDRESSsecondary_addresstextAn alternative address that could be used to describe building location. This was not used for any geocoding.
TERTIARY ADDRESStertiary_addresstextAn alternative address that could be used to describe building location. This was not used for any geocoding.
CIRCUIT COURT CASE NUMBERfieldtextCase number for the Cook County Circuit Court
COMMUNITY AREAcommunity_areatextThe name of the community area. For context, see:
COMMUNITY AREA NUMBERcommunity_area_numbertextThe ID that corresponds with COMMUNITY AREA in this dataset. For context, see:
WARDwardtextThe number of the ward (city council district) as of the building list date
X_COORDINATEx_coordinatenumberThe east-west coordinate defined in feet, based on NAD 83 - State Plane Eastern IL
Y_COORDINATEy_coordinatenumberThe north-south coordinate defined in feet, based on NAD 83 - State Plane Eastern IL
LOCATIONlocationpointThe location of the building (based on the ADDRESS column) in a format that allows for mapping and other geographic analysis on this portal.
LONGITUDElongitudenumberThe longitude of the building (based on the ADDRESS column).
LATITUDElatitudenumberThe latitude of the building (based on the ADDRESS column).