Transportation Network Providers - Trips - 2019 | Last Updated 11 Mar 2022

All trips, starting November 2018, reported by Transportation Network Providers (sometimes called rideshare companies) to the City of Chicago as part of routine reporting required by ordinance. Census Tracts are suppressed in some cases, and times are rounded to the nearest 15 minutes. Fares are rounded to the nearest $2.50 and tips are rounded to the nearest $1.00. For a discussion of the approach to privacy in this dataset, please see

Tags: transportation, tnp, transportation network provider, rideshare, trips, link to article present, 2019

This dataset has the following 21 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Trip IDtrip_idtextA unique identifier for the trip.
Trip Start Timestamptrip_start_timestampcalendar_dateWhen the trip started, rounded to the nearest 15 minutes.
Trip End Timestamptrip_end_timestampcalendar_dateWhen the trip ended, rounded to the nearest 15 minutes.
Trip Secondstrip_secondsnumberTime of the trip in seconds.
Trip Milestrip_milesnumberDistance of the trip in miles.
Pickup Census Tractpickup_census_tracttextThe Census Tract where the trip began.This column often will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
Dropoff Census Tractdropoff_census_tracttextThe Census Tract where the trip ended. This column often will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
Pickup Community Areapickup_community_areanumberThe Community Area where the trip began. This column will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
Dropoff Community Areadropoff_community_areanumberThe Community Area where the trip ended. This column will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
FarefarenumberThe fare for the trip, rounded to the nearest $2.50.
TiptipnumberThe tip for the trip, rounded to the nearest $1.00. Cash tips will not be recorded.
Additional Chargesadditional_chargesnumberThe taxes, fees, and any other charges for the trip.
Trip Totaltrip_totalnumberTotal cost of the trip. This is calculated as the total of the previous columns, including rounding.
Shared Trip Authorizedshared_trip_authorizedcheckboxWhether the customer agreed to a shared trip with another customer, regardless of whether the customer was actually matched for a shared trip.
Trips Pooledtrips_poolednumberIf customers were matched for a shared trip, how many trips, including this one, were pooled. All customer trips from the time the vehicle was empty until it was empty again contribute to this count, even if some customers were never present in the vehicle at the same time. Each trip making up the overall shared trip will have a separate record in this dataset, with the same value in this column.
Pickup Centroid Latitudepickup_centroid_latitudenumberThe latitude of the center of the pickup census tract or the community area if the census tract has been hidden for privacy. This column often will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
Pickup Centroid Longitudepickup_centroid_longitudenumberThe longitude of the center of the pickup census tract or the community area if the census tract has been hidden for privacy. This column often will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
Pickup Centroid Locationpickup_centroid_locationpointThe location of the center of the pickup census tract or the community area if the census tract has been hidden for privacy. This column often will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
Dropoff Centroid Latitudedropoff_centroid_latitudenumberThe latitude of the center of the dropoff census tract or the community area if the census tract has been hidden for privacy. This column often will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
Dropoff Centroid Longitudedropoff_centroid_longitudenumberThe longitude of the center of the dropoff census tract or the community area if the census tract has been hidden for privacy. This column often will be blank for locations outside Chicago.
Dropoff Centroid Locationdropoff_centroid_locationpointThe location of the center of the dropoff census tract or the community area if the census tract has been hidden for privacy. This column often will be blank for locations outside Chicago.