Filming Permits - Transportation Department - Map | Last Updated 13 Dec 2023

Applications to the Chicago Department of Transportation for permits under its jurisdiction where the work type is "Filming." These permits typically are permits to block or otherwise affect public streets in some way. Because all permits start as applications, this dataset also serves as a list of permits granted. See more information about CDOT permits at

Tags: permits, movies, television, filming, transportation, streets

This dataset has the following 43 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
APPLICATIONNUMBERapplicationnumbertextUnique number for the application that becomes the permit number when issued.
APPLICATIONTYPEapplicationtypetextCode for the type of permit. Permits may be categorized further by the WORKTYPE.
APPLICATIONDESCRIPTIONapplicationdescriptiontextType of permit.
WORKTYPEworktypetextCode for the sub-category, if any, of the permit application. Only one work type per application is allowed.
WORKTYPEDESCRIPTIONworktypedescriptiontextSub-category, if any, of the permit application. Only one work type per application is allowed.
APPLICATIONSTATUSapplicationstatustextOverall status of the application. Typically open during the application process and issued, then closed once the permit has expired.
CURRENTMILESTONEcurrentmilestonetextThe current step in the permitting life cycle.
APPLICATIONSTARTDATEapplicationstartdatecalendar_datePermit start date. Most often requested by the applicant but could be updated as the permit is reviewed by CDOT.
APPLICATIONENDDATEapplicationenddatecalendar_datePermit End date. Most often requested by the applicant but could be updated as the permit is reviewed by CDOT.
APPLICATIONPROCESSEDDATEapplicationprocesseddatecalendar_dateThis is the date when the permit reaches the review milestone, means the date CDOT began reviewing the application.
APPLICATIONISSUEDDATEapplicationissueddatecalendar_dateDate the permit was issued by CDOT. Set once all the reviews, fees, etc. are paid (where applicable).
APPLICATIONFINALIZEDDATEapplicationfinalizeddatecalendar_dateDate the permit was closed (either after the permit has expired plus a grace period or after an inspector marks the work complete).
APPLICATIONEXPIREDATEapplicationexpiredatecalendar_dateDate the permit will expire (typically same as permit end date). Applicant may ask for date extensions where the end date is updated and will be reflected here once re-approved by CDOT.
APPLICATIONNAMEapplicationnametextApplicants can put a project name on their applications in this field. For converted data 1/1/2013 to 11/13/2015, the old permit number will be placed in this field.
COMMENTScommentstextApplicants can place a description of the work here.
TOTALFEEStotalfeesnumberTotal permit fees for this permit calculated based on the work being carried out and location. See fee schedule for further information, available on the CDOT permit portal,
WAIVEDFEESwaivedfeesnumberIf any fees were waived for this permit, the amount waived will be here. Possible reasons for waived fees include city contracts, city departments, ordinances, and franchise agreements with the City.
PRIMARYCONTACTLASTprimarycontactlasttextThe last name of the primary applicant for the permit. If an employee applied on behalf of a company, the company name will appear.
PRIMARYCONTACTFIRSTprimarycontactfirsttextFirst name of the primary applicant, if not a company.
PRIMARYCONTACTMIDDLEprimarycontactmiddletextMiddle initial of the primary applicant, if not a company.
PRIMARYCONTACTSTREETprimarycontactstreettextStreet address of the primary applicant.
PRIMARYCONTACTSTREET2primarycontactstreet2textStreet address 2nd line of the primary applicant.
PRIMARYCONTACTCITYprimarycontactcitytextCity of the primary applicant.
PRIMARYCONTACTSTATEprimarycontactstatetextState of the primary applicant.
PRIMARYCONTACTZIPprimarycontactziptextZIP Code of the primary applicant.
EMERGENCYCONTACTNAMEemergencycontactnametextPerson to contact in an emergency as listed by the applicant during the permit application process.
LASTINSPECTIONNUMBERlastinspectionnumbernumberOnce a permit is issued, typically an inspection is created for CDOT Inspectors to use onsite. Once an inspection is completed, another inspection may be generated or if the work is finished, the permit is closed. This is the number of the last inspection.
LASTINSPECTIONTYPElastinspectiontypetextCode for the type of inspection generated for the issued permit. Typically this will match the type of permit although special inspection types are available for stop work.
LASTINSPTYPEDESCRlastinsptypedescrtextDescription of the last inspection completed against this permit.
LASTINSPECTIONDATElastinspectiondatecalendar_dateDate of the last inspection.
LASTINSPECTIONRESULTlastinspectionresulttextThe result of the last inspection, if completed.
STREETNUMBERFROMstreetnumberfromnumberThe start of the address range for the permit location. For multiple locations on a permit, there will be multiple rows in the dataset.
STREETNUMBERTOstreetnumbertonumberThe end of the address range for the permit location. For multiple locations on a permit, there will be multiple rows in the dataset.
DIRECTIONdirectiontextThe street direction for the permit location. For multiple locations on a permit, there will be multiple rows in the dataset.
STREETNAMEstreetnametextThe street name for the permit location. For multiple locations on a permit, there will be multiple rows in the dataset.
SUFFIXsuffixtextThe street name suffix for the permit location. For multiple locations on a permit, there will be multiple rows in the dataset.
PLACEMENTplacementtextAdditional information about the permit location. This column may also include detour information.
STREETCLOSUREstreetclosuretextType of street closure, if any, associated with the location.
DETAILdetailtextDetail information about the permit application.
PARKINGMETERPOSTINGORBAGGINGparkingmeterpostingorbaggingtextIndicates if any parking meter bagging or posting of no parking signs is requested on the permit application.
LATITUDElatitudenumberLatitude of the start of the address range.
LONGITUDElongitudenumberLongitude of the start of the address range.
LOCATIONlocationlocationLocation of the start of the address range.