House Share Prohibited Buildings List - Map | Last Updated 13 Dec 2023

A list of buildings excluded from short-term rental activity under the Shared Housing Ordinance. See for more information on the exclusion process.

Tags: house share, regulation, restrictions

This dataset has the following 16 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Application IDapplication_idnumberUnique ID for the application.
Submission IDsubmission_idtextAn internal tracking number for the application.
Applicant Roleapplicant_roletextRole of the person who applied on behalf of the building owner, association, or cooperative.
Address Numberaddress_numbertext
Association, Cooperative, or Ownerassociation_or_ownertext
Street Directionstreet_directiontext
Street Namestreet_nametext
Street Typestreet_typetext
Number of Unitsnumber_of_unitsnumber
PINpintextCook County Property Index Number(s)
Vote Datevote_datecalendar_dateDate that the association voted to ban short-term rentals. If not an association, this field does not apply.
Recorded Daterecorded_datecalendar_dateDate that the association recorded in its governing documents that it had banned short-term rentals. If not an association, this field does not apply.
Signed Datesigned_datecalendar_dateDate that the affidavit for inclusion on the Prohibited Buildings List was signed by the owner or representative of the association or cooperative.
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude of the Building Address
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude of the Building Address
LocationlocationlocationLocation of the Building Address in a format that this data portal uses for mapping.