Census Data - Selected socioeconomic indicators in Chicago, 2008 – 2012

data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 12 Sep 2014

This dataset contains a selection of six socioeconomic indicators of public health significance and a “hardship index,” by Chicago community area, for the years 2008 – 2012. The indicators are the percent of occupied housing units with more than one person per room (i.e., crowded housing); the percent of households living below the federal poverty level; the percent of persons in the labor force over the age of 16 years that are unemployed; the percent of persons over the age of 25 years without a high school diploma; the percent of the population under 18 or over 64 years of age (i.e., dependency); and per capita income. Indicators for Chicago as a whole are provided in the final row of the table. See the full dataset description for more information at: https://data.cityofchicago.org/api/views/fwb8-6aw5/files/A5KBlegGR2nWI1jgP6pjJl32CTPwPbkl9KU3FxlZk-A?download=true&filename=P:\EPI\OEPHI\MATERIALS\REFERENCES\ECONOMIC_INDICATORS\Dataset_Description_socioeconomic_indicators_2012_FOR_PORTAL_ONLY.pdf

Tags: income, education, poverty, unemployment

This dataset has the following 9 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Community Area Numbercanumber
COMMUNITY AREA NAMEcommunity_area_nametext
PERCENT OF HOUSING CROWDEDpercent_of_housing_crowdednumberPercent occupied housing units with more than one person per room
PERCENT HOUSEHOLDS BELOW POVERTYpercent_households_below_povertynumberPercent of households living below the federal poverty level
PERCENT AGED 16+ UNEMPLOYEDpercent_aged_16_unemployednumberPercent of persons over the age of 16 years that are unemployed
PERCENT AGED 25+ WITHOUT HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMApercent_aged_25_without_high_school_diplomanumberPercent of persons over the age of 25 years without a high school education
PERCENT AGED UNDER 18 OR OVER 64percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64numberPercent of the population under 18 or over 64 years of age (i.e., dependency)
PER CAPITA INCOMEper_capita_income_numberCommunity Area Per capita income is estimated as the sum of tract-level aggregate incomes divided by the total population
HARDSHIP INDEXhardship_indexnumberScore that incorporates each of the six selected socioeconomic indicators (see dataset description)