Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Investment Committee Decisions | Last Updated 26 Jul 2024

TIF Investment Committee (TIC) data includes all projects reviewed by the TIF Investment Committee, since May, 2019. This includes all requests for TIF funding, including TIF-funded public infrastructure projects from the City departments and Sister Agencies, as well as private-sector housing and economic development projects. TIF is a special funding tool used by the City of Chicago to promote public and private investment across the city. Projects must be located on parcels within an active TIF district to be eligible.

Tags: tif

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
PROJECTprojecttextThe name of the project that sought TIF funding.
DEPARTMENTdepartmenttextThe Department, Company or Organization requesting the TIF Funding.
IMPROVEMENT TYPEimprovement_typetextThe category of development seeking TIF funds.
ADDRESSaddresstextThe address of the project location.
LOCATION TIFlocation_tiftextThe TIF district(s) in which the project is located.
LOCATION TIF NUMBERlocation_tif_numbertextThe TIF district(s) identifier number in which the project is located.
FUNDING TIFfunding_tiftextThe TIF district(s) from which the project is receiving TIF funds.
FUNDING TIF NUMBERfunding_tif_numbertextThe TIF district(s) identifier number from which the project is receiving TIF funds.
PROJECT SUMMARYproject_summarytextA brief summary of the proposed project that is requesting TIF funding.
TIF REQUESTtif_requestnumberThe amount of TIF funding that the project is requesting.
TOTAL PROJECT COSTtotal_project_costnumberThe total project cost of the project requesting TIF funding.
PERCENTAGE OF TIFpercentage_of_tifnumberThe share of the total project costs being covered by the requested TIF funding.
TIC MEETING DATEtic_meeting_datecalendar_dateThe date of the TIF Investment Committee meeting at which the project was discussed.
TIC DECISIONtic_decisiontextThe decision by the TIF Investment Committee members on whether to approve, deny or hold for further review TIF funding for the project.
LOCATIONlocationpointThe location of the ADDRESS column, geocoded to a format that allows for mapping and other geographic analysis.