Lobbyist Data - Expenditures - Hosting

data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 21 Aug 2017

Every expense made during the reporting period for the benefit of an official or employee of the City. These are different from other expenses or gifts -- other datasets in this series. These expenses are typically those that fall under the “reasonable hosting” provision of the City of Chicago ethics rules. See http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/ethics/provdrs/lobby.html for more information on the Board of Ethics' role in regulating and reporting on lobbying in Chicago.

Tags: ethics, lobbyists

This dataset has the following 16 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
EXPENDITUREOTHER_IDexpenditureother_idnumberA unique identifier for the expenditure record.
PERIOD_STARTperiod_startcalendar_dateStart of the reporting period for which this record was created.
PERIOD_ENDperiod_endcalendar_dateEnd of the reporting period for which this record was created.
PURPOSEpurposetextThe goods or services purchased
AMOUNTamountnumberThe amount of the expense
LOBBYIST_IDlobbyist_idnumberA unique identifier for the lobbyist record. This ID can be used to link records in other datasets that contain an ID column with the same name.
CLIENT_IDclient_idnumberA unique ID for the client on whose behalf the lobbying related to this expenditure was done. This ID can be used to link to the same column name in other datasets.
CLIENT_NAMEclient_nametextThe name of the client on whose behalf the lobbying related to this expenditure was done.
CREATED_DATEcreated_datecalendar_dateThe date the record was created.