Dig Ticket Notifications - Last Member Transmissions

data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 21 Jul 2022

In order to help contractors and private residents avoid existing utility lines (including gas, electrical, and water lines) when digging, the Chicago Department of Transportation maintains 811 Chicago, a free, 24-hour service to private contractors and homeowners in Chicago. Anyone planning to dig within Chicago must obtain a “dig ticket” from 811 Chicago. 811 Chicago notifies all utilities of the impending excavations. The utility owners then send out staff to mark the location of the underground facilities within 48 hours (excluding emergencies), not counting Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The dataset on which this filtered view is based shows these utility notifications. Since it is common for the same dig ticket to produce multiple notifications, the same dig ticket will appear multiple times and the dataset cannot be used without further refinement to count, map, or analyze unique excavations in Chicago. This filtered view shows only the most recent notification for each utility. It, therefore, removes some of the duplication in the dataset but still will produce multiple records per dig ticket if multiple utilities have been notified. See https://ipi.cityofchicago.org/Digger for more information on the dig ticket system.

Tags: dig ticket, transportation, utilities, excavation

This dataset has the following 25 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
DIG_TICKET#dig_ticket_numberDig ticket number which can be reviewed through the 811 user portal.
PERMIT#permit_textThe permit associated with the dig ticket if one exists.
REQUESTDATErequestdatecalendar_dateThe date and time on which the dig request was made.
EMERGENCYemergencycheckboxIndicates whether dig ticket was an emergency request.
STNOFROMstnofromnumberThe start of the street address where the excavation will occur. The 811 system creates separate dig tickets for address ranges by breaking them into even and odd blocks.
STNOTOstnotonumberThe end of the street address where the excavation will occur. The 811 system creates separate dig tickets for address ranges by breaking them into even and odd blocks.
DIRECTIONdirectiontextThe direction component of the street where the excavation will occur.
STNAMEstnametextThe name of the street where the excavation will occur.
SUFFIXsuffixtextThe suffix of the street where the excavation will occur.
PLACEMENTplacementtextThe location within the public right of way where the excavation will occur. Excavations on private property do not have placement data associated with them.”
DIGDATEdigdatecalendar_dateThe date and time before which the excavator is not permitted to break ground.
EXPIRATIONDATEexpirationdatecalendar_dateThe date and time at which the dig ticket expires.
PRIMARYCONTACTFIRSTprimarycontactfirsttextThe first name of the individual or company requesting the dig ticket.
PRIMARYCONTACTLASTprimarycontactlasttextThe last name of the individual or company requesting the dig ticket.
Notice History (Utility Name)notice_history_utility_nametextThe name of the utility company notified. Each dig ticket is sent to one or more utility owners. Thus, the dig ticket number as well as most of the data associated with the dig ticket will be repeated for each utility owner that was notified under that ticket.
Notice History (Site ID)notice_history_site_idnumberThe unique site number associated with each utility owner. The 811 system identifies utility owners by their site number.
Notice History (Type)notice_history_typetextThe type of ticket issued including: a. “Initial ticket” - the first ticket issued. Utility owners have 48 hours (recorded as the “DIGDATE”) to mark the location of their facilities at the address on the ticket. b. “No-show” - a follow-up request associated with an initial ticket that notifies specific utilities that their facility was not marked by the dig date. c.“Remark request” - a follow-up request associated with an initial ticket that notifies specific utilities that they need to put new location marks at the site. d. “Cancellation Notice” - a notice to the utility owners that the dig ticket has been cancelled. e. “Notification of renewal” - a notice to the utility owners that the dig ticket expiration date has been extended. f. “Update ticket” - a notice to the utility owners that information on the dig ticket has been updated.
Notice History (Status)notice_history_statustextUtility owners respond to the ticket via the 811 system using the following statuses. All utilities should at a minimum respond "acknowledged." The use of the other status codes is a company by company decision. a. “Acknowledged” - a notification from the utility owner that they received the dig ticket through their web service. This is the most common status and often is not updated. b. “Marked” - a notification from the utility owner that they marked the location of their facility at the address on the dig ticket. c. “In Route” - a notification from the utility owner that their locator is on the way to the address on the dig ticket. d. “Positive Response / Clear” - a notification from the utility owner that they do not have facilities near the address on the dig ticket. e. “Unacknowledged” - a notification from the system that the utility owner has not acknowledged receiving the dig ticket.
Notice History (Created)notice_history_createdcalendar_dateThe date and time when the notice was sent to the utility.
LASTSTATUSTIMElaststatustimecalendar_dateThe last time the ticket was updated. This can be either an update from the City of Chicago to a utility or a response from the utility.
UNIQUEKEYuniquekeynumberA unique number that differentiates each record in the data set.
Last Member Transmission Flaglast_member_transmission_flagcheckboxThe most recent record for each utility associated with a unique ticket. The most recent record for each utility on a dig ticket will be marked True and all others will be marked False.
LATITUDElatitudenumberThe latitude of the midpoint of the address range.
LONGITUDElongitudenumberThe longitude of the midpoint of the address range.
LOCATIONlocationpointThe location of the midpoint of the address range in a format that allows for creation of maps and other geographic operations on this data portal.