Financial Incentive Projects - TIF Works | Last Updated 26 Jul 2022

TIFWorks data includes all projects that have been completed and received a grant payment since January, 2011. TIFWorks stimulates business success by funding workforce-training costs for companies located in tax increment financing (TIF) districts. With TIFWorks support, businesses can become better equipped to improve performance and productivity, expand product lines and gain new customers.

Tags: financial, financial incentive, incentive, tif, tif works

This dataset has the following 19 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
PROJECT NAMEproject_nametextThe name of the business that received the incentive.
APPLICANT NAMEapplicant_nametextThe individual, company or organization requesting the incentive.
ADDRESS NUMBERaddress_numbernumberThe address number of the project location.
ADDRESS NUMBER (HIGH)address_number_highnumberThe high address number if the address is a range. For projects with a single address this field will be blank.
STREET DIRECTIONstreet_directiontextThe cardinal direction of the project street address.
STREET NAMEstreet_nametextThe name of the street in the project address.
STREET TYPEstreet_typetextThe type of street in the project address.
WARDwardnumberThe Aldermanic Ward in which the project is located.
COMMUNITY AREAcommunity_areatextThe Community Area, as defined by the City of Chicago, in which the project is located.
TIF DISTRICTtif_districttextThe TIF district in which the project is located.
APPROVAL DATEapproval_datecalendar_dateThe date of the contract approving the project. Note: Projects prior to 2017 did not document approval date.
COMPLETION DATEcompletion_datecalendar_dateThe date of the Certificate of Completion or other form of confirmation for project completion.
INDUSTRY SECTORindustry_sectortextThe classification of the business receiving the incentive.
PROJECT DESCRIPTIONproject_descriptiontextA brief textual description of the project.
INCENTIVE AMOUNTincentive_amountnumberThe dollar amount of the incentive paid to the applicant.
TOTAL PROJECT COSTtotal_project_costnumberThe total value of the project, including the incentive received.
JOBS CREATED: ASPIRATIONALjobs_created_aspirationalnumberThe number of full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs created by the project, without requirement of a Redevelopment Agreement.
JOBS RETAINED: ASPIRATIONALjobs_retained_aspirationalnumberThe number of existing full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs retained by the project, without requirement of a Redevelopment Agreement.
LOCATIONlocationpointThe location of the address columns, geocoded to a format that allows for mapping and other geographic analysis.