Lobbyist Data - Lobbyist Registry - 2012 to present (Deprecated October 2015)

data.cityofchicago.org | Last Updated 9 Dec 2016

OUTDATED. See similar current data at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/tq3e-t5yq -- All lobbyist registration filings submitted to the Board of Ethics beginning with the 2012 reporting period. / All lobbyists must register with the City of Chicago Board of Ethics by filing a Statement of Registration within five business days of engaging in lobbying activity and annually thereafter by January 20th. Lobbyist registration information is submitted to the Board of Ethics in paper form and is available in its entirety in the Board's offices. The Board has, since 2000, compiled and posted static lists of all lobbyists and their clients online. Previous policy did not require the Board of Ethics to prioritize the reporting of all data available from paper filings. From this point forward, the Board of Ethics will electronically compile more data about lobbyists and their activities and automatically report this information online.

Tags: lobbyists, ethics, deprecated

This dataset has the following 56 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
FILING YEARfiling_yearnumber
LOBBYIST IDlobbyist_idnumber
LOBBYIST SALUTATIONlobbyist_salutationtext
LOBBYIST LAST NAMElobbyist_last_nametext
LOBBYIST FIRST NAMElobbyist_first_nametext
LOBBYIST MIDDLE INITIALlobbyist_middle_initialtext
LOBBYIST ADDRESSlobbyist_addresstext
LOBBYIST ADDRESS 2lobbyist_address_2text
LOBBYIST CITYlobbyist_citytext
LOBBYIST STATElobbyist_statetext
LOBBYIST ZIPlobbyist_zipnumber
LOBBYIST COUNTRYlobbyist_countrytext
LOBBYIST PHONElobbyist_phonetext
LOBBYIST FAXlobbyist_faxtext
LOBBYIST EMAILlobbyist_emailtext
EMPLOYER NAMEemployer_nametext
EMPLOYER ADDRESSemployer_addresstext
EMPLOYER ADDRESS 2employer_address_2text
EMPLOYER CITYemployer_citytext
EMPLOYER STATEemployer_statetext
EMPLOYER ZIPemployer_zipnumber
EMPLOYER COUNTRYemployer_countrytext
EMPLOYER PHONEemployer_phonetext
EMPLOYER FAXemployer_faxtext
CORRESPONDENT SALUTATIONcorrespondent_salutationtext
CORRESPONDENT LAST NAMEcorrespondent_last_nametext
CORRESPONDENT FIRST NAMEcorrespondent_first_nametext
CORRESPONDENT MIDDLE INITIALcorrespondent_middle_initialtext
CORRESPONDENT ADDRESScorrespondent_addresstext
CORRESPONDENT ADDRESS 2correspondent_address_2text
CORRESPONDENT CITYcorrespondent_citytext
CORRESPONDENT STATEcorrespondent_statetext
CORRESPONDENT ZIPcorrespondent_zipnumber
CORRESPONDENT COUNTRYcorrespondent_countrytext
CORRESPONDENT PHONEcorrespondent_phonetext
CORRESPONDENT FAXcorrespondent_faxtext
CORRESPONDENT EMAILcorrespondent_emailtext
CLIENT NAMEclient_nametext
CLIENT INDUSTRYclient_industrytext
CLIENT OTHER INDUSTRYclient_other_industrytext
CLIENT ADDRESSclient_addresstext
CLIENT ADDRESS 2client_address_2text
CLIENT CITYclient_citytext
CLIENT STATEclient_statetext
CLIENT ZIPclient_zipnumber
CLIENT PHONEclient_phonetext
REGISTRATION VERSIONregistration_versionnumber
REGISTRATION FILED DATEregistration_filed_datecalendar_date
LOBBYIST TERMINATED DATElobbyist_terminated_datecalendar_date
LISTED DEPARTMENT NAMElobbied_department_nametextThe name of the department which the registrant is expected to lobby.
OTHER LOBBIED DEPARTMENT NAMEother_lobbied_department_nametext
CLIENT CONTRACT DATEclient_contract_datecalendar_date
INCURRED EXPENSES?incured_expensestextIndicates the answer to the following question on the Lobbyist Registration: Have you incurred or do you anticipate incurring expenses on behalf of this client, whether or not you are reimbursed?
RECEIVED COMPENSATION?received_compensationtextIndicates the answer to the following question on the Lobbyist Registration: Have you received or do you anticipate receiving compensation for lobbying for this client?
WRITTEN AGREEMENT?written_agreementtextIndicates whether there is a written or oral agreement in place. A value of "Y" indicates a written agreement. A value of "N" or blank indicates an oral agreement.