Active Businesses Visualization App - Taxes | Last Updated 6 Feb 2020

Businesses licensed to operate in the City of Gainesville.

Tags: business tax, business license

This dataset has the following 10 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Business Typebusiness_typetextType of business.
IDidnumberBusiness identification number.
NamenametextBusiness name.
Start Datestart_datecalendar_dateEffective date of business license.
Physical Addressphysical_addresstextPhysical address where the business is located.
Mailing Addressmailing_addresstextMailing address of business contact.
Mailing Citymailing_citytextMailing city of business contact.
Business Phonebusiness_phonetextBusiness contact phone number.
EmailemailtextBusiness contact email.
ContactownertextBusiness contact (owner) name.