Forestry Planting Spaces | Last Updated 13 Dec 2023

Record of Forestry planting spaces for NYC Parks & Recreation. Tree Points and Planting Spaces form the basis of ForMS 2.0’s data inventory and are the core entities that all Service Requests, Inspections, and Work Orders are associated to. The system has built-in rules to ensure that every Tree Point has a Planting Space and each Planting Space can have no more than one active Tree Point at a given time. Locations that have had one tree removed and another tree replanted will appear in ForMS 2.0 as a single Planting Space associated with one retired Tree Point (that has a removal Work Order) and one active Tree Point. User guide: Data dictionary:

This dataset has the following 35 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
OBJECTIDobjectidnumberUnique identifier for each inspection
BoroughboroughcodetextBorough planting space is in
NumberbuildingnumbertextBuilding number of the Planting Space address
StreetstreetnametextStreet name of the Planting Space address
PSSitepssitetextIndicates if planting space is in a park or on the street
PlantingSpaceOnStreetplantingspaceonstreettextStreet that Planting Space is on, may not be the same as address if property is a corner lot
WidthwidthtextWidth of planting space
LengthlengthtextLength of planting space
ParkNameparknametextName of park planting space is in
ParkZoneparkzonetextName of park planting space is in
CrossStreet1crossstreet1textFirst cross street
CrossStreet2crossstreet2textSecond cross street
CommunityBoardcommunityboardnumberNew York City community board
SanitationZonesanitationzonetextDSNY sanitation zone
Council DistrictcitycouncilnumberNew York City council district
StateSenatestatesenatenumberNew York State senate district
StateAssemblystateassemblynumberNew York State assembly district
CongressionalcongressionalnumberU.S. congressional district
PhysicalIDphysicalidtextPhysicalID of CSCL line segment that the planting space address is associated with
PSStatuspsstatustextIndicates if planting space is populated, empty, or retired
GeometrygeometrytextGeometry for planting space in well known text
GlobalIDglobalidtextUnique identifier for each inspection
CreatedDatecreateddatetextDate of record creation
UpdatedDateupdateddatetextDate record was updated last
JurisdictionjurisdictiontextIndicates if planting space is under DPR or other jurisdiction
OverheadUtilitiesoverheadutilitiestextIndicates if there are overhead utility wires (1) or not (0)
TreeGuardtreeguardtextThis is a new field and is barely populated
Census Tractcensus_tractnumber