Public Design Commission Annual Report | Last Updated 5 Jun 2024

List of projects that were submitted to and reviewed by the Public Design Commission on an annual basis.

Tags: public design commission, design review, project submissions, public design, public art

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
MEETING_DATEmeeting_datecalendar_dateThe Commission meeting date that corresponds with the month during which a project was submitted.
PROJECT_IDproject_idtextUnique identifier for an individual project.
TITLEtitletextName assigned to an individual project including the construction type, scope and location.
LEAD_AGENCYlead_agencytextThe City agency or agencies that have jurisdiction over the property on which the project is located.
SECONDARY_AGENCYsecondary_agencytextThe City agency or agencies that have jurisdiction over the property on which the project is located.
PUBLIC_PRIVATEpublic_privatetextIndicates if the project is open to the public or a private structure(s) that extends over City-owned land.
PROJECT_TYPEproject_typetextThe major category that the project falls under.
CONSTRUCTION_TYPEconstruction_typetextThe scope of work proposed for a project.
RESULTresulttextDesign review is an iterative process and the Public Design Commission works to provide applicants with feedback and guidance so that their submissions can be approved in the shortest number of review cycles. Even if a submission is not formally acted upon by the Commission within a cycle, the Design Commission typically provides feedback that will help the agencies revise their proposal so that it may be approved the following month. Submissions that were commented upon but not acted upon may have been submitted for conceptual or informal review and include final sign-off and amendments to approved designs.
REVIEW_CYCLESreview_cyclesnumberA review cycle is the time between the deadline for the filing of a submission to the Public Design Commission and the scheduled date of the next public meeting of the Commission.
PREVIOUS_YEAR_SUBMISSIONprevious_year_submissiontextProject submission that was submitted in December of the previous year for a Design Review meeting in January of the current year.