NYCHA Resident Data Book Summary | Last Updated 8 Feb 2020

Contains resident demographic data at a summary level as of January 1, 2019. The Resident Data Book is compiled to serve as an information source for queries involving resident demographic as well as a source of data for internal analysis. Statistics are compiled via HUD mandated annual income reviews involving NYCHA Staff and residents. Data is then aggregated and compiled by development. Each record pertains to a single public housing development.

Tags: nycha, nyc housing, demographics by borough, statistics, public housing, resident data book

This dataset has the following 43 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
PROGRAMprogramtextFunding program of NYCHA development
STATECITY_SECTION8_FLAGstatecity_section8_flagtextAggregated level for total, public, and section 8 transition households
Total Familiestotal_familiesnumberTotal number of households for all NYCHA developments.
Total Female Headed Familiestotal_female_headed_familiesnumberFamily with a female head of household
Total Male Headed Familiestotal_male_headed_familiesnumberFamily with a male head of household
Total Populationtotal_populationnumberTotal population.
Average Family Sizeaverage_family_sizenumberRatio of total population to total number of families
Total Minors Under 18total_minors_under_18numberPopulation under 18 years old
Average Minors per Familyaverage_minors_per_familynumberRatio of population under 18 years old to total number of families
Total Minors as Percent of Populationtotal_minors_as_percent_of_populationnumberPopulation under 18 years old divided by total population
All Average Total Gross Incomeall_average_total_gross_incometextMean of the gross grand total household income which is the sum of the values of all income sources for the head of household and all other members of the household. Income sources includes employment, own business, public assistance, social security benefits, survivors insurance, supplemental security income, benefits from public & non-public funds and assets, unemployment insurance, federal wages, housing authority wages, military wages, pension, child support and alimony.
All Average Gross Rentall_average_gross_renttextMean monthly rent paid by the household.
Total HOH 62 Years and Overtotal_hoh_62_years_and_overnumberTotal number of households with a head of household age 62 or over
Total HOH 62 Years and Over as Percent of Familiestotal_hoh_62_years_and_over_as_percent_of_familiesnumberTotal number of households with a head of household age 62 or over divided by total number of families
Total Female Headed HOH 62 Years and Overtotal_female_headed_hoh_62_years_and_overnumberTotal Number of households with a female head of household age 62 or over
Total Male Headed HOH 62 Years and Overtotal_male_headed_hoh_62_years_and_overnumberTotal Number of households with a male head of household age 62 or over
Total Elderly Single Person Familiestotal_elderly_single_person_familiesnumberSingle head of household age 62 or over
Total Elderly Populationtotal_elderly_populationnumberPopulation age 62 or over
Total 62 Years and Over as Percent of Populationtotal_62_years_and_over_as_percent_of_populationnumberPopulation age 62 and over divided by total population
Total Families on Welfaretotal_families_on_welfarenumberNumber of families with head and/or family member receiving any type of public assistance regardless of receiving other type of income source. Other type of income includes employment, own business, social security benefits, survivors insurance, supplemental security income, benefits from public & non-public funds and assets, unemployment insurance, federal wages, housing authority wages, military wages, pension, child support and alimony.
Total Families on Welfare and HOH Elderlytotal_families_on_welfare_and_hoh_elderlynumberA welfare family with head of household 62 years old and over.
Total Families on Full Welfaretotal_families_on_full_welfarenumberNumber of families with head and/or family member receiving any type of public assistance and no other type of income for the household.
Total Families on Welfare as Percent of Familiestotal_families_on_welfare_as_percent_of_familiesnumberNumber of welfare families divided by total number of families,
Total Single Parent/Grandparent Families with Minorstotal_single_parent_grandparent_families_with_minorsnumberA family having a Single Parent or a Grandparent plus at least a child under 18 years old.
Total Female Headed Single Parent/Grandparent with Minorstotal_female_headed_single_parent_grandparent_with_minorsnumberA family having a Female Single Parent or a Grandparent plus at least a child under 18 years old.
Total Male Headed Single Parent/Grandparent with Minorstotal_male_headed_single_parent_grandparent_with_minorsnumberA family having a Male Single Parent or a Grandparent plus at least a child under 18 years old.
Total Single Parent/Grandparent Families on Welfaretotal_single_parent_grandparent_families_on_welfarenumberA family defined as one parent family with minor under 18 and with the head of household and/or family member receiving any type of public assistance regardless of receiving other type of income source. Other type of income includes employment, own business, social security benefits, survivors insurance, supplemental security income, benefits from public & non-public funds and assets, unemployment insurance, federal wages, housing authority wages, military wages, pension, child support and alimony.
Total Single Parent/Grandparent with Minors as % of Familiestotal_single_parent_grandparent_with_minors_as_of_familiesnumberNumber of total single parent/grandparent families on welfare divided by total number of families.
Total Families - 1 or More Employedtotal_families_1_or_more_employednumberA family where at least the head of household and/or family member receives income from employment and/or own business and/or unemployment insurance and/or federal wages and/or housing authority wages and/or military wages regardless of receiving any other type of income.
Total Families - 1 or More Employed as Percent of Familiestotal_families_1_or_more_employed_as_percent_of_familiesnumber
Total Families - 2nd Adult Employedtotal_families_2nd_adult_employednumber
All Families Average Years in Public Housingall_families_average_years_in_public_housingnumber
Residents Under 4residents_under_4number
Residents 4 to 5residents_4_to_5number
Residents 6 to 9residents_6_to_9number
Residents 10 to 13residents_10_to_13number
Residents 14 to 17residents_14_to_17number
Residents 18 to 20residents_18_to_20number
Residents 21 to 49residents_21_to_49number
Residents 50 to 61residents_50_to_61number
Residents 62 Plusresidents_62_plusnumber
Total Fixed Income Familiestotal_fixed_income_familiesnumber
Total Fixed Income Families as Percent of Familiestotal_fixed_income_families_as_percent_of_familiesnumberTotal number of families on fixed income divided by the total number of families