Revised Notice of Property Value (RNOPV) | Last Updated 26 Oct 2022

Every January, Finance mails New York City property owners a Notice of Property Value (NOPV). This important notice has information about your property’s market and assessed values. Finance determines your property’s value every year, according to State law. The Cityʼs property tax rates are applied to the assessed value to calculate your property taxes for the next tax year. You get your first tax bill for the year in June. If you believe the values or property descriptions on the NOPV are not correct.

Tags: finance, dof, property, rnopv

This dataset has the following 39 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
MAILED DATEmailed_datecalendar_dateDate when letter was mailed
BOROCODEboronumberThe name of the borough in which the property is located.
BLOCKblocknumber"A Tax Block is a sub-division of the borough on which real properties are located. The Department of Finance uses a Borough-Block-Lot classification to label all real property in the City. “Whereas” addresses describe the street location of a property, the block and lot distinguishes one unit of real property from another, such as the different condominiums in a single building. Also, block and lots are not subject to name changes based on which side of the parcel the building puts its entrance on. "
LOTlotnumberA Tax Lot is a subdivision of a Tax Block and represents the property unique location.
EASEeasenumber"An easement is a right, such as a right of way, which allows an entity to make limited use of another’s real property. For example: MTA railroad tracks that run across a portion of another property. "
Address 1address_1text"The street address of the property as listed on the Sales File. Coop sales include the apartment number in the address field. "
Address 2address_2text"The street address of the property as listed on the Sales File. Coop sales include the apartment number in the address field. "
Address 3address_3text"The street address of the property as listed on the Sales File. Coop sales include the apartment number in the address field. "
City, State, Zipcity_state_ziptextThe property’s city, state and zip.
CountrycountrynumberThe property's country.
TAX CLASStax_classnumber"Every property in the city is assigned to one of four tax classes (Classes 1, 2, 3, and 4), based on the use of the property. "
BLD Classbld_classtext"The Building Classification is used to describe a property’s constructive use. The first position of the Building Class is a letter that is used to describe a general class of properties (for example “A” signifies one-family homes, “O” signifies office buildings. “R” signifies condominiums). The second position, a number, adds more specific information about the property’s use or construction style (using our previous examples “A0” is a Cape Cod style one family home, “O4” is a tower type office building and “R5” is a commercial condominium unit). The term Building Class used by the Department of Finance is interchangeable with the term Building Code used by the Department of Buildings"
ORIGINAL MARKET VALUEoriginal_market_valuenumber
ORIGINAL ASSESSED VALUEoriginal_assessed_valuenumberThe most probable price that a property should command in a competitive and open market. The Department of Finance uses one of three approaches to value a property: sales, cost, or income. New York State law requires Finance to value cooperative and residential condominium buildings as if they were rental apartment buildings, using the income approach. Financeʼs value is not based on the sales price of individual co-op or condo units but on an estimate of the rent that would be charged for the units if they were rental apartments.
ORIGINAL EXEMPTIONoriginal_exemptionnumberThe amount of AV excluded from the calculation of tax. May be different from Actual and Transitional.
ORIGINAL TRANSITIONAL ASSESSED VALUEoriginal_transitional_assessed_valuenumberTransitional Assessed Value = for properties with 5-year 20% phase-ins, the Assessed Value as limited by phase-ins.
ORIGINAL TRANSITIONAL EXEMPTIONoriginal_transitional_exemptionnumberThe amount of AV excluded from the calculation of tax, but limited by phase-in.
ORIGINAL TAXABLE VALUEoriginal_taxable_valuenumberAssessed Valuation. The financial worth assigned to property by taxing authorities that is used as a basis or factor against which the tax rate is applied.
REVISED MARKET VALUErevised_market_valuenumberThe changed original market value
REVISED ASSESSED VALUErevised_assessed_valuenumberThe changed original assessed value
REVISED EXEMPTIONrevised_exemptionnumberThe changed original exemption
REVISED TRANSITIONAL ASSESSED VALUErevised_transitional_assessed_valuenumberThe changed original transitional assessed value
REVISED TRANSITIONAL EXEMPTIONrevised_transitional_exemptionnumberThe changed original transitional exemption
REVISED TAXABLE VALUErevised_taxable_valuenumberThe changed original taxable value
RC 1rc_1textA Alteration NP New Building in Progress S Gain or Loss to Street E1 Economics X Exempt Value Change other than fully exempt restored B Building In Progress Last Year D Demolition T Transfer to or from REUC E4 Economics (Taxpayer Initiated Change) P Physical Change N New Building AP Apportionment E0 Sales E Fully Exempt and is now restored to taxable status M MV only change
RC2rc2textA Alteration NP New Building in Progress S Gain or Loss to Street E1 Economics X Exempt Value Change other than fully exempt restored B Building In Progress Last Year D Demolition T Transfer to or from REUC E4 Economics (Taxpayer Initiated Change) P Physical Change N New Building AP Apportionment E0 Sales E Fully Exempt and is now restored to taxable status M MV only change
RC3rc3numberA Alteration NP New Building in Progress S Gain or Loss to Street E1 Economics X Exempt Value Change other than fully exempt restored B Building In Progress Last Year D Demolition T Transfer to or from REUC E4 Economics (Taxpayer Initiated Change) P Physical Change N New Building AP Apportionment E0 Sales E Fully Exempt and is now restored to taxable status M MV only change
RC4rc4numberA Alteration NP New Building in Progress S Gain or Loss to Street E1 Economics X Exempt Value Change other than fully exempt restored B Building In Progress Last Year D Demolition T Transfer to or from REUC E4 Economics (Taxpayer Initiated Change) P Physical Change N New Building AP Apportionment E0 Sales E Fully Exempt and is now restored to taxable status M MV only change
RC5rc5textA Alteration NP New Building in Progress S Gain or Loss to Street E1 Economics X Exempt Value Change other than fully exempt restored B Building In Progress Last Year D Demolition T Transfer to or from REUC E4 Economics (Taxpayer Initiated Change) P Physical Change N New Building AP Apportionment E0 Sales E Fully Exempt and is now restored to taxable status M MV only change
Community Boardcommunity_boardnumber
Council Districtcommunity_councilnumber
Census Tractcensus_tractnumber