PreK Vendors by Transportation Site | Last Updated 9 May 2022

Summary of documented students by school/site

This dataset has the following 5 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
School_Yearschool_yeartextIndicates the school year the record refers to. The DOE school year starts in September every year.
OPT_Codeopt_codetextThe unique ID for a location receiving any transportation service from OPT. An OPT Code represents an organization in a specific location; it is possible to have more than one OPT Code associated with the same location, but there are no instances of a single OPT Code being in multiple locations. OPT Codes for EI sites always begin with an E. Pre-K sites can start with any letter but E (most commonly with a C or S)
Site_Namesite_nametextName of the location associated with the OPT Code. The Site_Name is most commonly specific to a location.
School_Nameschool_nametextAlternate Name of the location associated with the OPT Code. A Pre-K school may operate programs at different sites.
Vendor_Namevendor_nametextCompany name of the bus vendor