Local Law 44 - Rent Affordability

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 6 Mar 2023

The Rent Affordability data table includes units disaggregated by rent affordability for each building in a Local Law 44 Housing Development Project. This information is reported pursuant to Local Law 44 of 2012, and is part of the <a <a href='https://data.cityofnewyork.us/browse?Data-Collection_Data-Collection=HPD+Local+Law+44'>Housing Projects Receiving City Financial Assistance (Local Law 44) collection of data tables</a>.

Tags: housing; transparency; local law 44; ll44

This dataset has the following 4 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ProjectIDprojectidnumberThe unique ID that refers back to the Project ID column in the Project table (Foreign Key to the Project table)
BuildingIDbuildingidnumberThe HPD Building ID is the unique numeric identifier assigned by HPD to all buildings
AffordabilityBandaffordabilitybandtextApartment sizes grouped by AMI band.
TotalUnitstotalunitsnumberApartment sizes grouped by rent affordability AMI band. Number of units with a particular AMI% band