Broadband Adoption and Infrastructure by State Senate District | Last Updated 23 Sep 2022

Key indicators of broadband adoption, service and infrastructure in New York City by State Senate District. </p> <b>Data Limitations:</b> Data accuracy is limited as of the date of publication and by the methodology and accuracy of the original sources. The City shall not be liable for any costs related to, or in reliance of, the data contained in these datasets.

Tags: internet master plan, internet, broadband, broadband adoption, mobile, mobile broadband, mobile broadband adoption, cable, access, connectivity, internet service provider, internet speed, wi-fi, public wi-fi, infrastructure, poles, pole, network, street furniture, city buildings, city assets, pole attachments, telecommunications, mobile telecommunications, poletop, planning, digital divide, digital inclusion, digital equity, public computer center, state senate, senate, district

This dataset has the following 17 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
OIDoidnumberOrigin Identification Number
State Senate Districtstate_senate_districtnumberNew York City area State Senate District name.
Home Broadband Adoption (Percentage of Households)home_broadband_adoptionnumberPercentage of Households with a broadband internet service subscription by neighborhood.
Mobile Broadband Adoption (Percentage of Households)mobile_broadband_adoptionnumberPercentage of Households in the neighborhood with a cellular data plan internet service subscription.
No Internet Access (Percentage of Households)no_internet_access_percentagenumberPercentage of Households without access to an internet service.
No Home Broadband Adoption (Percentage of Households)no_home_broadband_adoptionnumberPercentage of Households without a broadband internet service subscription.
No Mobile Broadband Adoption (Percentage of Households)no_mobile_broadband_adoptionnumberPercentage of Households in the neighborhood without a cellular data plan internet service subscription.
No Home Broadband Adoption by Quartileno_home_broadband_adoption_1textPercentage of Households without a broadband internet service subscription by quartile.
No Mobile Broadband Adoption by Quartileno_mobile_broadband_adoption_1textPercentage of Households in the neighborhood without a cellular data plan internet service subscription by quartile.
Commercial Fiber Max ISP Choicecommercial_fiber_max_ispnumberThe maximum number of commercial fiber internet service providers reported to be available per census block by council district.
Public Computer Center Countpublic_computer_center_countnumberTotal Number of Public Computer Centers
Workstations in PCCsworkstations_in_pccsnumberNumber of computer workstations, defined as desktop or laptop computers, available for public use at the center
Avg training hrs per week in PCCsavg_training_hrs_per_weeknumberAverage number of hours per week that the center provides digital literacy training programs.
Public Wi-Fi Countpublic_wi_fi_countnumberIndicates the number of public Wi-Fi access points within the specified NTA.
Poles Reserved by Mobile Telecom Franchiseepoles_reserved_by_mobilenumberPoles that the City has reserved for use for the Mobile Telecommunications Franchise, without equipment installed.
Pole with Equipment Installed by Mobile Telecom Franchisepole_with_equipment_installednumberPoles in use for the Mobile Telecom Franchise, with equipment installed.
Density of Poles Reserved and with Equipment Installed for Mobile Telecom Franchisedensity_of_poles_reservednumberTotal poles, reserved by Mobile Telecom Franchisee with or without equipment installed, per street mile in the NTA.