DSNY Districts With Disposal Vendor Assignments

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 25 Sep 2024

The vendors used to discard various materials (refuse, paper, metal/glass/plastic, bulk metal, and organics) collected in DSNY districts.

Tags: vendors, disposal, refuse, paper, metal, glass, plastic, organics, bulk metal, shape file, dsny, districts

This dataset has the following 32 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
DISTRICTdistricttextDistrict abbreviation as defined by DSNY.
DISTRICTCODEdistrictcodenumberDistrict Code as defined by DCP
MGP_CURB_PRImgp_curb_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated metal/glass/plastic recyclables collected curbside by DSNY.
MGP_CURB_SECmgp_curb_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated metal/glass/plastic recyclables collected curbside by DSNY.
MGP_EZP_PRImgp_ezp_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated metal/glass/plastic recyclables collected by DSNY EZ Pack trucks.
MGP_EZP_SECmgp_ezp_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated metal/glass/plastic recyclables collected by DSNY EZ Pack trucks.
MGP_RORO37_PRImgp_roro37_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated bulk metal recyclables collected by DSNY Roll on Roll Off trucks.
MGP_RORO37_SECmgp_roro37_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated bulk metal recyclables collected by DSNY Roll on Roll Off trucks.
MGP_RORO_PRImgp_roro_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated metal/glass/plastic recyclables collected curbside by DSNY.
MGP_RORO_SECmgp_roro_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated bulk metal recyclables collected by DSNY Roll on Roll Off trucks.
ORG_BASKorg_basktextVendors that accept from organic basket trucks (89).
ORG_CURB_PRIorg_curb_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated organic material collected curbside by DSNY.
ORG_CURB_SEC_org_curb_sectext: Secondary vendor that accepts source-separated organic material collected curbside by DSNY.
ORG_DOEorg_doetextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated organic material collected from schools by DSNY. DOE = Department of Education
ORG_GM_SATorg_gm_sattextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated organic material collected from Green Markets on Saturdays by DSNY
ORG_GM_SUNorg_gm_suntextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated organic material collected from Green Markets on Sundays by DSNY
PAP_CURB_PRIpap_curb_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts refuse collected curbside by DSNY.
PAP_CURB_SECpap_curb_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected curbside by DSNY.
PAP_EZP_PRIpap_ezp_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected by DSNY EZ Pack trucks.
PAP_EZP_SECpap_ezp_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected by DSNY EZ Pack trucks.
PAP_RORO_PRIpap_roro_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected by DSNY Roll on Roll Off trucks.
PAP_RORO_SECpap_roro_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected by DSNY Roll on Roll Off trucks.
REF_CURB_PRIref_curb_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected curbside by DSNY.
REF_CURB_SECref_curb_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected curbside by DSNY.
REF_EZP_PRIref_ezp_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected by DSNY EZ Pack trucks.
REF_EZP_SECref_ezp_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts source-separated paper recyclables collected by DSNY EZ Pack trucks.
REF_RORO_PRIref_roro_pritextPrimary vendor that accepts refuse collected by DSNY Roll on Roll Off trucks.
REF_RORO_SECref_roro_sectextSecondary vendor that accepts refuse collected by DSNY Roll on Roll Off trucks.
SHAPE_Areashape_areanumbersquare footage of the polygon
SHAPE_Lengthshape_lengthnumberlength in feet of the geographic feature
multipolygonmultipolygonmultipolygonIn GIS data, a multipolygon is a collection of polygons that can be used to combine a group of polygons into a single geometry.
OBJECTIDobjectidtextAn object identifier is an unambiguous, long-term name for any type of object or entity.